Heat Pump Listing Requirements.
ICMs shall comply with Requirements for
Certification of ICM Heat Pump Ratings
(refer to Appendix A).
Identical Coil Ratings
. Should the performance of two (2) coils be identical and the only physical
difference is that one is encased or in a sleeve, both can be listed on the same line and both be designated
with the condensing unit as the HSVTC.
Listing Equipment with Enhancement Components
. The air moving device and enhancements
(e.g. thermal expansion valve (TXV), time delay relay (TDR), etc.) shall be indicated by model number and
when assembled, shall result in a complete Indoor Unit with sufficient information contained in the
installation instructions to describe the assembly.
Enhancements, available via distribution by the ICM, are to be indicated in Directory listings by the plus (+)
sign, following the Indoor Unit designation. All combinations of these enhancements shall be listed, with
respective certified system performance data.
ICM Notice of Revised System HSVTC and/or Baseline Rating
. ICM Participants using an ARM
shall be notified by AHRI if a change is made to a system HSVTC and/or baseline rating. The baseline
rating is derived from an existing AHRI certified system combination provided by the ICM. The ICM
Participant shall have 30 calendar days to review the notice and choose to a) re-rate its affected units or b)
decide no rating change is required. If the ICM Participant does not make a choice within 30 calendar days
and the system was de-rated, AHRI shall automatically de-rate the
ICM’s ratings by the same percentage
of de-rate in the system
’s rating.
Test Locked Ratings
. Section 5.9 also applies to ratings that are locked for testing. For
ratings that are locked, the ICM can only adjust the ratings no more than the same percentage of
de-rate in the system manufacturer
’s rating.
Specific Indoor Coil Data
. Participants can download additional specific indoor coil data and
condenser curve coefficients from the Directory.
Condenser Curve Coefficients
. Refer to Appendix B for definitions of the condenser curve
coefficients to be supplied by System Manufacturers.
Rating Screening for ICMs
. AHRI shall not list any new ratings that exceed the following thresholds.
All ratings that fall within the thresholds shall appear in the Directory within three (3) calendar days of
submission to the Directory.
6% Screen
. AHRI shall screen all USAC and USHP ratings that are in excess of the
System Manufacturer
’s SEER, EER and HSPF ratings in accordance with the criteria described
below. Ratings exceeding the thresholds indicated below shall be published only after AHRI has
reviewed and approved the data. The screening criteria are as follows:
All ICM USAC ratings that are in excess of the ICM System Manufacture
r’s rating
by more than 6% SEER and/or EER;
All variable speed furnace USAC ratings that are in excess of the System
’s HSVTC coil ratings with the same furnace and condensing unit
by more than 6% SEER and/or EER;
For variable speed furnace USAC ratings, in the event of absence of HSVTC coil
rating with the furnace, all ratings that are more than 6% SEER and/or EER in
excess of the highest rating of a
System Manufacturer’s coil rated with that
furnace and Outdoor Unit;
All coil-blower USHP ratings that are in excess of the HSVTC coil-blower System
Manufacturer’s rating by more than 6% SEER and/or EER and/or HSPF ratings;