System Challenge Test Failure
. In the event the System
Manufacturer’s system does not pass at or above 95%, the challenge test shall be
redirected towards the System Manufacturer and treated as a System Manufacturer’s
challenge. Failure options are the same as Participants with annual testing (Section
3.17.2). If the System Manufacturer ultimately re-rates the system, the ICM shall re-
rate its affected models by the same percentage re-
rate as the system’s ratings.
Further testing of the ICM Indoor Unit shall not be required.
Test the ICM Match
. The Laboratory shall test the ICM Indoor Unit with the System
Manufacturer’s Outdoor Unit.
ICM Challenge Test Pass
. If all ICM certified ratings pass, the
Challenge test is over and the ICM Participant and challenger are notified of the
outcome per Section 10 of the General Operations Manual.
ICM Challenge Test Failure
. Following a first sample failure, the
challenged party has all the same options as a Participant with annual testing (Section If an option to test with a different Outdoor Unit is selected, expenses for
obtaining another Outdoor Unit and testing shall be paid for by the challenged
Participant. The coil shall be rated with the Outdoor Unit selected.
Test Challenge Fees
. For challenge tests, the same fees apply as those for regularly scheduled
The cost of all fees (e.g. selection, sample shipment and disposition, and testing) associated with the
challenge test shall be borne by one of the three parties concerned (ICM Participant, System Manufacturer
Participant, or challenger).
Final Outcome System Challenge Test Failure
. If the final outcome of the system
challenge test is a “fail,” the challenged System Manufacturer is responsible for all costs associated
with the first sample test (Indoor Unit, Outdoor Unit and test fees).
Final Outcome ICM Challenge Test Failure
. If the final outcome of the ICM challenge
test is a “fail,” the challenged ICM is responsible for all costs associated with the first sample test
(Indoor Unit, Outdoor Unit and test fees).
Final Outcome ICM Challenge Test Pass
. If the final outcome of the challenge test is
a “pass,” the challenging party is responsible for all costs associated with the first sample test
(Indoor Unit, Outdoor Unit and test fees).
If the challenged party elects to test any additional samples, all associated costs for the additional testing
shall be paid by the challenged party.