Getting Started
3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Advanced Training Guide
Vertical Controls
Turn the
large knobs
in the Vertical section to control the V/div setting
for each analog channel. The V/div setting is displayed in the upper left
hand corner of the status line at the top of the display.
Color coding matches analog channel inputs, vertical control knobs, and
waveform colors.
Press the
key to display the channel 1 menu. Press again to turn the
channel on and off.
Turn the
small knobs
to control the vertical offset position of the
waveform, moving the ground level up or down.
Trigger Controls
Turn the
Trigger Level knob
to move the trigger level up and down. The
trigger level is displayed while it is adjusted. If the trigger level is above
or below the signal and the oscilloscope is in Auto trigger mode, the
oscilloscope will force a trigger and display an acquisition (waveform).
Auto trigger mode is useful when unsure of the exact waveform because
forced acquisitions are displayed, making it easy to better configure the
oscilloscope’s settings and trigger level.
Press the
key in the Trigger controls section to view the
Trigger Mode and Coupling Menu selections and to set trigger holdoff.