Agilent InfinityLab LC Series RID User Manual
Using the Module
Method Parameter Settings
Instrument Curves
The detector has several signals that can be used for diag-
nosing problems. These signals can be used in addition to the
normal baseline signal to determine whether correlation to
other signals exists. These signals are available via the Agi-
lent ChemStation Online Plot/Data Signal and/or Agilent Lab
Advisor Software.
Optical unit temperature
Diode Balance
to diagnose peaks that exceed the
dynamic range of the RID, for example in the case of
extremely high concentrations/signals.
monitors of polarity switching during the run.
Diode 1
Diode 2
: The RID signal is based on the ratio
of the light level that is measured by two photodiodes.
The RID signal is zero if the two diodes show the same
light level. This parameter allows you to store individually
the signal measured by the diode 1 and diode 2.
Board Temperature
The temperature around the Leak Sensor (at the power
switch electronics) can be used for looking at ambient
temperature changes.
Table 4
Method parameter settings