Agilent InfinityLab LC Series RID User Manual
Using the Module
Method Parameter Settings
Table 4
Method parameter settings
Optical Unit Temperature
This item sets the temperature of the optical unit. The optical
unit of the Agilent 1260 Infinity RID can be operated between
5 °C above ambient and 55 °C. The recommended setting is
5 °C above ambient. This will improve baseline stability.
(Response time, Data Rate):
Peakwidth enables you to select the peak width (response
time) for your analysis. The peak width is defined as the width
of a peak, in minutes, at half the peak height. Set the peak
width to the narrowest expected peak in your chromatogram.
The peak width sets the optimum response time for your RID.
Limits: When you set the peak width (in minutes), the corre-
sponding response time is set automatically and the appro-
priate data rate for signal acquisition is selected.
Acquire Signal
check box is not marked, signals are not
The 1260 Infinity II RID (G7162A) has a data rate of up to
74 Hz. The 1290 Infinity II RID (G7162B) has a data rate of up
to 148 Hz.
is the time where either the complete system
stops (
As Pump/Injector
) or the module (if different from sys-
tem stop time). The data collection is stopped at this time.
You can set the
so that your module remains in the
not ready state during the Posttime to delay the start of the
next analysis. A Posttime period can be used to allow your
column to equilibrate after changes in solvent composition or
temperature change.
Analog Output
The range can be set to either 100 mV or 1 V full scale, see
Zero Offset
: 1 – 99 % in steps of 1 % (5 % equal to 50 mV).
: 488 – 1000000 nRIU at discrete values for
either 100 mV or 1 V full scale.