Radiographic parameters
Tilting angle of the DR detector and of the X-ray tube head
Full screen button
Reset button
Live camera button
Rotate button
Transparant green overlay indicating the DR detector reference plane
Figure 48: Still image
If needed, rotate or enlarge the camera image.
Figure 49: Full screen button
Figure 50: Rotate button
To improve accurracy, touch another area that is part of the same DR
detector reference plane.
All selected area’s are used to define the DR detector reference plane.
Check the readouts for measured SID and patient size.
The measured SID is the distance between the DR detector ref-
erence plane and the X-ray tube.
This icon next to the SID value indicates that the displayed SID
includes an additional offset value. An offset value is preconfig-
ured, e.g. for examinations where the DR detector is positioned
behind a mattress.
This icon next to the SID value indicates that the SID value de-
viates from the preconfigured default SID. The arrow indicates
if the X-ray tube should be lifted or lowered.
The measured patient size is the distance between the DR de-
tector reference plane and the surface of the patient’s body.
Check the exposed area.
The collimation is set according to the measured SID. Switch on the light
localizer on the collimator. Adapt collimation if required.
Adjust the position of the X-ray tube.
The measured SID is continuously updated.
The collimation is adapted when the SID is changed, unless the
collimation was manually adepted before.
The measured patient size is not updated when repositioning the patient
or the X-ray tube.
| DR 100s | Software Console
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