Chapter 5 SCSI Drive Installation 87
To access this valid UNIX copy, type at the colon after the
boot message:
To replace the system UNIX with the valid UNIX, type at
the system prompt:
cp /unix.good /unix
2. Install the NCR SDMS SCSI UNIX device drivers.
a. After rebooting the system, type:
mkdev cam3
Press Enter to continue.
b. Continue from Procedure 1, step 2f.
The following conditions should exist after a successful
• The directory etc/conf/sdevice.d should contain a file named
• The bhba file should contain the bhba sdevice entry.
• There should be a bhba entry for each SDMS SCSI controller
configured in the system in the sdevice file.
• The second field for bhba in the sdevice file should be set to
• There should be a bhba entry in the mdevice file.
• There should be a bhba entry for each SCSI device in the mscsi
• The directory etc/conf/pack.d/bhba should exist and contain the
files Driver.o, RAMcore.h, and space.c.