Chapter 5 SCSI Drive Installation 81
j. A prompt is displayed to set the interrupt line to be used by
the host bus adapter. The SDMS SCO UNIX driver performs
dynamic interrupt mapping. Therefore, press 0 (zero) and
Enter. To exit this process, press Enter, or type q and press
If the system indicates that the proper interrupt lines
for the SCSI host bus adapter are not available,
review the section under Troubleshooting
concerning possible kernel rebuild problems and
edit the device entries to eliminate the conflict.
3. Adding a SCSI Hard Drive to UNIX.
If a SCSI hard disk drive will not be added to this
system go to step 4.
a. Select option 5 from the CAM3 main menu to show SCSI
configuration. Note the bus number of the NCR controller.
You will need it throughout this installation procedure.
b. From the CAM3 main menu, select option 2 to add or
remove specific devices. A list will appear showing the
current configuration followed by a menu of these options:
Add or Remove Specific Devices Menu Options
1. Reconfigure Sdsk (Disk Drive)
2. Reconfigure Stp (Tape Drive)
3. Reconfigure Srom (CD-ROM)
4. Invoke the SCO low level SCSI Configuration script
5. Return to the previous menu To add the SCSI hard disk
drive, select option 1 to reconfigure Sdsk, and press
c. Read the explanatory text that appears and follow the
prompts: Press Enter at the next two prompts to scroll
through the explanatory text A prompt will appear to add
another SCSI disk. Answer y and press Enter. Select option 2
to add a drive to the SCSI controller and press Enter.