Chapter 5 SCSI Drive Installation 77
Procedure 1
If SCSI devices will be attached to a SCSI host bus adapter card
while using a non-SCSI hard drive (IDE, ESDI, ST506) as the
boot hard drive, execution of procedure 1 is all that is necessary.
This will install the NCR SCSI UNIX device drivers on the
non-SCSI boot drive to access the SCSI devices. SCSI devices
supported include tape drives, CD-ROM drives, and SCSI hard
disk drives that will be used as secondary storage.
Procedure 2
If the user plans to install a SCSI hard disk drive to be used as the
boot hard drive, then procedure 2 will be executed. Procedure 2
uses a Boot Time Loadable Driver (BTLD) to provide a user
friendly method for installing UNIX onto a SCSI hard disk drive.
To use the BTLD, the Basic and Extended Utilities
packages provided by SCO must be included during the
Each of these procedures are described in detail below. NCR
recommends that the entire installation is accomplished in one
session. Be sure that the installer has sufficient time (possibly an
hour) available to complete this without interruption.