Chapter 5 SCSI Drive Installation 97
Using the Exclusion of Devices Option
Command line option:
Default value:
All devices recognized by the driver, i.e.
no devices are excluded.
Valid options:
p,i,l (Multiple devices may be specified
with a colon separator) where p is the
Path designator, and is in the range 0-7,i
is the SCSI ID designator, and is in the
range 0-31 ,l is the LUN designator, and
in the range 0-7. The LUN parameter is
optional. If no LUN is designated, all
LUNs for that ID will be excluded.
Multiple devices may be excluded so
long as the string does not exceed 35
characters in length and devices are
separated by colons.
xcl=1,2,3 to exclude LUN 3 of the
device at SCSI ID 2 on Path 1
xcl=1,2,3:2,5 to exclude LUN 3 of the
device at SCSI ID 2 on Path 1, and all
LUNs on the device at SCSI ID 5 on
Path 2
Allows for specifying certain devices
not be recognized by the driver.
Possible Impact:
Device(s) may not be accessed via
NCRSDMSX driver.
Applicable Versions:
3.02.06 and higher
This option is available so that specific devices may be excluded
from being recognize and accessed by the NCRSDMSX.DSK
drivers. These devices are not registered with the operating system
for use by the driver. Other applications/drivers can then take over
the control of such devices. This option is available for support of
third party vendor who write their own SCSI control applications.