2 Air intake/flue gas exhaust with separate 80 mm diameter ducts
These values refer to air intake/fume exhaust ducts made using original rigid and smooth pipes, supplied
by the manufacturer.
Types of installation C43 - C53 - C83
Play 24
The minimum length of the air intake pipe must be 1 metre.The minimum length of the flue gas pipe must be 1 metre.The maximum permitted
length of the flue gas intake/exhaust pipes (by adding the length on the intake and on the exhaust) is 100 meters.
Play 28
The minimum length of the air intake pipe must be 1 metre. The minimum length of the flue gas pipe must be 1 metre.The maximum
permitted length of the flue gas intake/exhaust pipes (by adding the length on the intake and on the exhaust) is 44 metres.
Play 32
La lunghezza minima della tubazione di aspirazione aria deve essere di 1 metro.
La lunghezza minima della tubazione di scarico fumi deve essere di 1 metro.
La lunghezza massima consentita delle tubazioni di aspirazione/scarico fumi (sommando la lunghezza in aspirazione e in scarico) è di 60 metri.
For each added straight pipe with a length of 1 meter, the maximum length allowed must be decreased by 1 metre.
For each 90° bend added, the maximum length allowed must be decreased by 1 metre.
For each 45° bend added, the maximum length allowed must be decreased by 0.5 metres.
The roof terminal decreases the maximum permissible length by 3 metres
The wall terminal decreases the maximum permitted length by 3 metres
Types of installation
The minimum length of the air intake pipe must be 1 metre.
The maximum permitted length of the pipes is 100 meters for the Play 24 models,
of 43 meters for Play 28 models and 60 meters for Play 32 models.
Air intake/flue gas exhaust with separate 60 mm diameter ducts
Types of installation
C43 - C53 - C83
Play 24 - Play 28 - Play 32
The minimum length of the air intake pipe must be 1 metre.
The minimum length of the flue gas pipe must be 1 metre.
The maximum permitted length of the flue gas intake/exhaust pipes is 16 meters for all PLAY models (by adding the intake and exhaust lengths).
For each added straight pipe with a length of 1 meter, the maximum length allowed must be decreased by 1 metre.
For each 90° bend added, the maximum length allowed must be decreased by 1 metre.
For each 45° bend added, the maximum length allowed must be decreased by 0.5 metres.
The wall terminal decreases the maximum length allowed by 2 metres.
Type C63 air intake/flue gas exhaust
The residual head at the flue gas inlet is:
250 Pa per la Play 24;
200 Pa per Play 28;
100 Pa per Play 32.
In (1) and (2) the sheet metal is
closed, but there are two pre-cuts
for the split outlets