Msg Min Def Max Detail
CLDN 30 60 180 Cool Down cycle in seconds. Whenever
the heater is turned off the pump keeps
running the extra seconds to even the
temperature of the heater element and the
surrounding water to prevent scale build up
and premature heater failure.
ECL 60 180 240 Economy Cycle Length. Time in minutes to
specify the intervals between spa
temperature sampling when the spa is not
in use. During this period the spa is in
sleep mode. Temperature is sampled at
the end of the period. Press any key to
cancel this mode
CHCL 0 60 180 Channel Clear. Time in seconds to clear
the air channel and the secondary pump(s)
plumbing if the spa has not been used for a
period of 24 hours. This prevents water
stagnation in the plumbing.
UTO 10 20 60 User Time Out. The time in minutes from
starting any device, after which all devices
will be turned of, and the spa put in "not in
use mode". If you should leave the spa with
a pump or light running, it will be turned off
after the specified time.
PUF 30 60 180 Post Use Filtration. Time in minutes to
perform Post Use Filtration this is the
optimal time to filter the spa. When you
have finished using the spa, that is when it
needs filtration the most. Press the SET
key to turn everything off and start this
cycle. This cycle is performed only once
and after pressing the SET key. It is in
addition to the standard filtration cycles.
Pressing any other device key will cancel
this function.
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