Sensor Open or disconnected and SmarTouch cannot
determine the spa temperature. The heater is disables but the spa is
operational. The sensor must be replaced or reconnected for this
message to go away.
Sensor Short. The sensor is shorted and is non functional.
Temperature cannot be determined, the heater is disabled, but the spa
is still operational. Sensor must be replaced to get rid of this message.
PSoC, PSoL, PSoH Pressure Switch Open with Circulating, Low or
High pump(s). The pressure switch is a device sensitive to pressure
inside the heater manifold. Pressure in the heater manifold is
generated by a pump pushing water through the manifold. If one a
pump is running and the pressure switch does not sense any pressure
then there is an indication of no water flow. To prevent the heater from
being turned on when there is no water running through, the heater is
turned off and one of these message will be displayed indicating which
pump is supposed to be running.
A pressure switch error may also be indicated if the switch is out of
adjustment or there is an air lock in the heater manifold. Adjusting the
pressure switch is best left to a trained technician. An air lock may
happen whenever the spa is drained and refilled with water, or if the
water level in the spa is so low as to permit air to be sucked in by the
pump. To bleed an air lock loosen one of the heater fittings a quarter of
a turn while a pump is running. You will hear the sound of escaping air,
then water will start dripping. Re-tighten the fitting.
ToE Time Out Error. It is not likely that you will ever see this error. It
indicates that the system’s heartbeat is out of control, all devices will be
shut down and the spa is unusable. This message will rarely ever occur,
if it does, please contact Applied Computer Controls..
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