Msg Min Def Max Detail
FP1 12:00 Start time of filtration period 1
FP2 12:00 Start time of filtration period 2
FP3 12:00 Start time of filtration period 3
FP4 12:00 Start time of filtration period 4
Note : If filtration periods overlap, the
most recent period (last) is in effect.
SIL 12:00 Start time of the silence period. This is a
period during which nothing will run. It
overrides all filtrations, the economy
cycle, and temperature sampling.
Except if temperature drops below 40
degrees. A spa may be installed near a
bedroom and need not come on at
specific times, for example between
midnight and 7 in the morning.
FP1d 0 0 240 Duration in minutes FP1 timer will run.
FP2d 0 0 240 Duration in minutes FP2 timer will run.
FP3d 0 0 240 Duration in minutes FP3 timer will run.
FP4d 0 0 240 Duration in minutes FP4 timer will run.
SILd 0 0 12 Duration in hours the Silence Timer
runs. Only a user may override the
silence timer
Note : Keep the value of any timer to 0 to keep
it from running. Filtration timers must be programmed
first one first. If the FP1d (first) timer has a duration of
0, Auto Filtration will be in effect and all 4 programmed
timers will be disabled.
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