There are 9 error message that a SmarTouch may generate. Here is a
list of these messages and what they indicate:
Temperature in the spa heater housing is below 40* Fahrenheit.
Because spa temperature should never get this low, the status of the
heater element is unknown. Therefore the low speed pump or
circulation pump will run continuously until temperature rises above
45*. A spa should not be filled with water below 40*. Please note that a
running pump can heat the spa at approximately 1/2 degree F per hour.
During this error condition, the spa is functional except for the heater.
OverHeat. The spa is at a temperature that is above 108*F.
SmarTouch will not accept temperature setting above 104*F. If for
some reason spa temperature rises over the maximum level,
SmarTouch will display a flashing 105*F to 108*F. If temperature goes
past 108 then the OH message will be displayed instead of
temperature. The spa is still operational but hotter than any person
should be subjected to. Please do not use your spa when the
temperature is flashing or the OH message is displayed.
In the summer and especially in warm regions, ambient temperature
may be high enough to overheat the spa naturally. Spas are usually
well insulated and can store a lot of heat in the equipment compartment.
Hi Limit Over Heat. SmarTouch has a backup water
temperature sensor called the Hi Limit. If the sensor is disconnected or
shorted or if the spa temperature should reach above 112*F the Hi
Limit protection circuitry will force all spa functions off and will flash the
HLoH message on the display. It is not possible to use the spa when
this error is in effect. Even after temperature goes down to an
acceptable level or the sensor is repaired / replaced. When the error
has been corrected, you must press the SET key to acknowledge that
you, the spa user, are aware of the error condition and should have the
proper repairs done.
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