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  ABS Comfort, ABS Basic


PS-Comfort, PS-Basic



For your safety, comply strictly with the instructions for use, ve-

rification, maintenance and storage.
ABS Safety cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect acci-

dent occurring as a result of use other than provided for in this notice; do not use 

this equipment beyond its capabilities!


A harness is a piece of personal protection equipment; it should be allocated to a 

single user (it can only be used by one person at a time). A harness should first be 

adjusted to the size of the operator. The straps should be adjusted once and for all 

so that the sub-pelvic strap is in position and the back plate is properly positioned 

between the shoulder blades. A harness should be adjusted as close as possible 

to the body, without excess, so as to leave the operator freedom of movement. 

Observe the following steps: (Page 4)
Before use for the first time the user should carry out a comfort and adjustability 

test, in a safe place, to ensure that the harness is the correct size and has been 

adjusted correctly. On a harness the attachement points marked A can accept a fall 

arrest system, the attachment points marked A/2 can be connected together to be 

connected to a fall arrest system. In general, it is recommended to use the back 

attachment point whenever possible because this is the best configuration for the 

human body to absorb forces.
Attachment points that are not marked with either A or A/2 must not be used for 

connecting a fall prevention device.  
The ventral attachment point, as well as the attachment points located at the 

side of the belt are for work positioning only. During use make sure to check all 

fastenings and adjustment elements regularly. A harness should be connected to a 

fall arrest system by EN362 connectors.

The harness anchorage point should be situated above the user and must comply 

with EN 795 (minimum strength: R>12kN - EN795:2012 or R>10kN - EN795:1996). 

Make sure that the work is done in such a way as to limit the pendulum effect, as 

well as the risk and the height of a fall. For safety reasons and before each use, 

make sure that in the event of a fall there is no obstacle obstructing the normal 

deployment of the fall arrest system (free space under the user's feet). When 

calculating the arresting distance, it is important to allow for the fact that the 

anchorage system will buckle, should the person it is securing fall. The arresting 

distance is calculated as follows:
•   Height from the lanyard ~ 2 m
•  Fall absorber expansion, resp. self-retracting lifeline/guided type fall arrester 

stopping distance ~ 0.5 – 2 m

•   Lanyard stretch and amount of slip along the body ~ 0.5 m
•   User‘s height ~ 1.8 m
•   Anchorage system deformation ~ 0.5 - 2.5 m
•   Clearance ~ 1 m
The clearance under the user's feet should be a minimum of: refer to the fall arrest 

system manual.
Before and during use we advise you to make the necessary arrangements for 

a safe rescue if the need should arise. Suspension trauma can effect people in 

different ways so it is essential that any rescue should be carried out safely as a 

quickly as possible.
A harness is for the sole use of people trained, skilled and in good health, or under 

the supervision of a trained and skilled person. Warning! Certain medical condi-

tions may affect user safety, if in doubt, consult your doctor.
Be aware of the hazards that could reduce the performance of your equipment, 

and therefore the user's safety, if exposed to extreme temperatures (< -30°C or > 

50°C), prolonged exposure to the elements (UV rays, humidity), chemical agents, 

electrical constraints, twisting of the fall arrest system during use, sharp edges, 

friction or cutting, etc.
Check the condition of the harness before every use: visual inspection to check 

the condition of the straps (no signs of cuts, burns or abnormal shrinkage), the 

seams (no visible damage), the metal parts (no deformation or rust) and that the 

connectors work properly (opening/locking). In the event of deformation or doubt 

the harness should be withdrawn from service. After a fall the product must not be 

reused and withdrawn from use (see section VERIFICATION PROCEDURE).

Do not remove, add or replace any component of the harness.


Strap material: polyester and/or polyamide. Buckle material: heat treated steel, 

stainless steel and/or aluminium.
Maximum rated load of the harness 136 kg.


The harness must be used as part of a fall arrest system as defined in the product 

data sheet (EN363) to guarantee that the dynamic force exerted on the user du-

ring the arrest of a fall is maxi 6 kN. A fall arrest harness (including EN361/EN358/

EN813) is the only body-gripping device that may be used. It may be dangerous to 

create one's own fall arrest system where each safety function can interfere with 

another safety function. Read the recommendations on using each component in 

the system before use.


The equipment has a service life of 10 years (in accordance with the annual exa-

mination by a competent inspector), but this duration may increase or decrease 

depending on how it is used and/or the results of annual checks.
The product must be checked systematically in case of doubt or after a fall and 

at least every year by a competent inspector, in order to guarantee its resistance 

and thus the safety of the end-user. The product data sheet should be completed 

(by writing) after each verification; date of inspection and date of next inspection 

must be indicated on the data sheet, it is also recommended to put date of next 

inspection on the product.

SERVICING AND STORAGE: (Comply strictly with these instructions)

During transport, keep the harness in its packaging, well away from any cutting 

surface. Clean it with water and soap, wipe it with a dry rag and hang it up in a 

well-ventilated location, to let it dry naturally and away from a naked flame or 

heat source; follow the same procedure for components that have become damp 

during use. The metal parts should be wiped with a cloth impregnated with paraf-

fin oil. Never use bleach or detergents. The harness should be stored in its packa-

ging in a warm, dry, ventilated place, protected from sunlight, heat and chemicals.

Summary of Contents for Basic

Page 1: ...MoA 236 02 DINEN361 2002 ABS Comfort ABS Basic PS Comfort PS Basic ...

Page 2: ...одства по монтажу 1 и инструкции по безопасности 2 RO Indicatiile din instrucțiunile de montare 1 și din broșura cu indicații de siguranță 2 trebuie respectate cu strictețe FI Asennusohjeen 1 ja turvaohjevihkosen 2 ohjeita on ehdottomasti noudatettava SE Anvisningarna till monteringsanvisningen 1 och säkerhetsmanualen 2 måste iakttas under alla omständigheter HI इंस टॉलेशन क े निर देशों 1 और सुरक ...

Page 3: ...ummer 6 Het individuele nummer in de serie 7 De productie datum maand jaar 8 Materiaal 9 De maat Universal S M L XL XXL 10 Lees de instructiehandleiding voor gebruik 11 Het nummer van de keuringsinstantie 12 De aanduiding van conformiteit met de richtlijn PL 1 Nazwa producenta 2 Puste pola w których należy wskazać nazwis ko użytkownika i nazwę firmy 3 Nr i rok normy z którą produkt jest zgodny 4 N...

Page 4: ...4 ABS Comfort ABS Basic PS Comfort PS Basic 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 ...

Page 5: ... und gesundem Perso nal oder unter Beaufsichtigung durch eine geschulte kompetente Person verwen det werden Achtung Bestimmte gesundheitliche Umstände können die Sicherheit des Benutzers beeinträchtigen Fragen Sie im Zweifelsfall Ihren Arzt Seien Sie sich der Faktoren bewusst die die Leistung Ihrer Ausrüstung beeinträch tigen könnten und damit auch die Sicherheit des Benutzers und zwar bei Ext rem...

Page 6: ...ple in different ways so it is essential that any rescue should be carried out safely as a quickly as possible A harness is for the sole use of people trained skilled and in good health or under the supervision of a trained and skilled person Warning Certain medical condi tions may affect user safety if in doubt consult your doctor Be aware of the hazards that could reduce the performance of your ...

Page 7: ...uti lisateur Le tirant d air sous les pieds de l utilisateur doit être au minimum de voir notice de l antichute Avant et pendant l utilisation nous vous recommandons de prendre les disposi tions nécessaires à un éventuel sauvetage en toute sécurité La suspension pro longée dans un harnais suite à une chute peut laisser différentes séquelles c est pourquoi il est essentiel que l opération de sauvet...

Page 8: ...obstáculo se oponga al desarrollo normal del sistema de anticaída espacio libre por debajo los pies del usuario La altura de caída debe ser como mínimo de véase manual del anticaída Antes y durante la utilización le recomendamos tomar las disposiciones necesa rias para un eventual rescate en total seguridad La suspensión prolongada en un arnés tras una caída puede dejar distintas secuelas por lo q...

Page 9: ...i piedi dell utente L altezza libera sotto i piedi dell utente deve essere pari ad almeno vedere istruzioni del dispositivo anticaduta Prima e durante l uso si raccomanda di adottare le misure necessarie per effettu are un eventuale salvataggio in tutta sicurezza Il fatto di rimanere sospesi a lungo all interno di un imbracatura in seguito a una caduta può comportare svariate con seguenze per ques...

Page 10: ... de voeten van de gebruiker De doorloophoogte onder de voeten van de gebruiker moet minimaal zijn zie gebruiksaanwijzing van de valbeveiliging Voor en tijdens het gebruik raden wij aan om de voorzorgsmaatregelen te nemen die nodig zijn om een eventuele redding in alle veiligheid uit te kunnen voeren Het lang opgehangen zijn in een harnas na een val kan verschillende gevolgen hebben Daarom is het v...

Page 11: ...użytkownika Wolna przestrzeń pod stopami użytkownika musi wynosić co najmniej patrz instrukcja dotycząca systemu zabezpieczającego przed upadkiem Przed i podczas użytkowania zalecane jest podjęcie niezbędnych środków do ewentualnego sprawnego udzielenia pomocy Długotrwałe zawieszenie na uprzęży spowodowane upadkiem może mieć poważne konsekwencje dlatego też ważne jest aby czynności ratunkowe były ...

Page 12: ...ância vertical deve ser de no mínimo ver folheto do dispositivo antiqueda Antes e durante qualquer utilização é aconselhável tomar todas as medi das necessárias para uma eventual operação de salvamento em segurança A suspensão prolongada num arnês após uma queda pode deixar diferentes seque las Por este motivo é importante que a operação de salvamento seja realizada da forma mais rápida e mais seg...

Page 13: ...rens fødder skal være på mindst Se faldsikringens brugermanual Inden og under brug anbefales det at træffe de nødvendige forholdsregler for at kunne udføre et eventuelt redningsindgreb i fuld sikkerhed At være ophængt i længere tid i en sele efter et styrt kan give en række følgelidelser hvorfor det er yderst vigtigt at redningsaktionen foretages så sikkert og hurtigt som muligt En faldsikringssel...

Page 14: ...en ohjekirjasta Ennen käyttöä suosittelemme pelastussuunnitelman laatimista tarvittavine lait teineen tehokkaan pelastuksen toteuttamiseksi ja vaaraan joutuneiden henkilöi den pelastamiseksi Pitkään kestävä riippuminen valjaissa putoamisen jälkeen voi jättää erilaisia traumoja Siksi on ehdottoman tärkeää että pelastustoiminta tapahtuu mahdollisimman turvallisesti ja nopeasti Valjaita saa käyttää v...

Page 15: ...e instruksjoner for fallsikringsutstyret Før og under bruken anbefaler vi å iverksette nødvendige tiltak for å kunne foreta en redningsoperasjon på en fullstendig sikker måte Dersom man etter et fall blir hengende i en sele over lengre tid kan det føre til forskjellige skader Derfor er det svært viktig at en redningsaksjon blir utført på en så sikker og rask måte som mulig En sele må kun brukes av...

Page 16: ...r Fallhöjden under användarens fötter ska vara minst se bruksanvisningen för fallskyddsutrustningen Före och under användningen är det rekommenderat att vidta nödvändiga åtgär der för att på ett säkert sätt kunna genomföra en eventuell räddning Långvarig upphängning i en sele efter ett fall kan ge upphov till olika efterverkningar och därför är det viktigt att räddningsinsatsen genomförs på ett så...

Page 17: ...17 Scribbles Notes 17 ...

Page 18: ...n de bewerking periodiekekeuring of reparatie 9 Vastgestelde schade uigevoerde reparatie etc 10 Naam en handtekening van de inspecteur deskundige 11 Volgende inspectie PL KSIĄŻKA KONTROLI 1 Nazwa użytkownika nabywcy firmy 2 Rok produkcji 3 Data zakupu 4 Data pierwszego użycia 5 Oznaczenie typu norma 6 Numer partii i serii 7 Data 8 Przyczyna wykonania regularna kontrola lub naprawa 9 Wykryte uszkod...

Page 19: ...rund der Bearbeitung regelmäßige Überprüfung oder Instandsetzung Processing reason routine examina tion or maintenance 9 Festgestellte Schäden durchgeführ te Instandsetzungen etc Discovered damage maintenance work carried out etc 10 Name und Unterschrift des Prüfers Sachkundige Person Name and signature of the examiner expert 11 Nächste Prüfung Next inspection Laut DGUV Regel 112 198 muss die Mont...

Page 20: ...7623 Kevelaer Germany Tel 49 0 28 32 972 81 0 Fax 49 0 28 32 972 81 29 info absturzsicherung de www absturzsicherung de www protection anti chute fr www fall arrest eu youtube com abssafetygmbh facebook com ABS Safety KW 23 August 2017 ...
