KNX Technical Reference Manual
ABB i-Bus
KNX Yucus
operating mode", "ECO operating mode" and "Frost protection, heat protection operating
The selection "1-bit" is use for activating room temperature controllers that have 1-bit
communication objects for operating mode switchover. The "1-byte" selection is use for
activating room temperature controllers that have a 1-byte communication object for
operating mode switchover to KNX. In this case, the values mean:
– 0 = Auto
– 1 = Comfort
– 2 = Standby
– 3 = Eco
– 4 = Frost- / heat protection
The function can be temporarily block via a 1-bit "Enable" communication object.
Common parameter – Object type for output
1 bit
1 byte
The "Object type for output" parameter is used to specify the size of the output
communication object. You can select between "1-bit" and "1-byte". The selection "1-bit"
is use for activating room temperature controllers that have 1-bit communication objects
for operating mode switchover. The "1-byte" selection is use for activating room
temperature controllers that have a 1-byte communication object for operating mode
switchover to KNX. In this case, the values mean:
– 0 = Auto
– 1 = Comfort
– 2 = Standby
– 3 = Night
– 4 = Frost- / heat protection
Common parameter – Operating mode
Auto (1 byte only)
Frost protection, heat protection
Note: The options are dependent on the setting of the "Object type for output"
The "Operating mode" parameter specifies the operating mode that is sent out on the 1-
byte communication object for the KNX operating mode switchover when a button is
operated. The possible selections are:
– Auto (1 byte only)
– Comfort
– Standby