KNX Technical Reference Manual
ABB i-Bus
KNX Yucus
If, for example, the "Control input" setting is set to "ON telegram", only telegrams from the
input are transmitted to the output, if prior to this the control input has received an ON
It is also possible to block signals via the "Filter function" setting. Either "nothing is filter
out" or the signal "ON is filter out" or the signal "OFF is filter out". This function is always
necessary, for example, when only the ON telegram is interesting for a sensor and the
sensor does not offer any filter function in its application program.
Channel – Object type
1 bit switching
1 bit move blinds / shutter up-down
1 bit stop up-down
2 bit priority
4 bit relative dimming
1 byte 0..100%
1 byte 0..255
2 byte float
2 byte signed
2 byte unsigned
3 byte time of day
3 byte date
4 byte float
4 byte signed
4 byte unsigned
Not assigned
The input or output object can assume different sizes. The bit size can be freely assigned
with the "Not assigned" setting. That means the first internal or external group
address/action that is assigned and already connected to some other communication
object will specified the size. The set selection specifies the size for the input and output
object together.
Extended parameter – Data flow direction
Input towards the output
Output towards the input
In both direction
The parameter defines in which direction the signal transfer shall occur. This can occur
either from the "Input towards the output", from the "Output towards the input" or "In both
Extended parameter – Application activate/deactivate by group object
If the "Enable object" parameter is set to "activated", the function can temporarily be block
via the 1-bit communication object "Enable". The function is active if an ON telegram is