Responsibilities for the owner
The owner is the person who runs the EVSE for commercial or business purposes
for itself or leaves it to a third party for use. During operation the owner bears legal
responsibility for the protection of the user, other employees or third parties. The
owner has the responsibilities that follow:
To know and implement the applicable laws and the local rules.
To identify the hazards (in terms of a risk assessment), resulting from the
working conditions on the site.
To operate the EVSE with the protective devices installed.
To make sure that all protective devices are installed after installation or
maintenance work.
To make an emergency plan that instructs people what to do in case of an
To make sure that all employees and third parties are qualified according to the
applicable laws and local rules to do the work.
To make sure that there is sufficient space around the EVSE to safely do
maintenance and installation work.
To identify a site operator who is responsible for the safe operation of the EVSE
and for the coordination of all work, if the owner does not do these tasks.
Required qualifications for the qualified installation
The qualified installation engineer fully knows the EVSE and its safe installation.
The qualified installation engineer is qualified according to the applicable local
rules to do the work.
The qualified installation engineer obeys all local rules and the instructions in
the installation manual.
It is the responsibility of the owner of the EVSE to make sure that all qualified
installation engineers obey the local rules, the installation instructions, and the
specifications of the EVSE.
HVC 200/300/360-EN | 002