Chapter 12 - Replacing Printed Circuit Boards
12-8 (14)
3BHS202077 ZAB E01 Rev. C
ACS 6000 Maintenance Manual
Depending on the configuration of the ACS 6000, INT boards are located
in the following cabinets:
The INT board is mounted on the back side of the hinged cover in the
top section of the ARU cabinet. To access the board the cover needs
to be opened. See
Figure 12-8.
In converters with power ratings above 7 MVA, the mount is the same
as in an ARU. See
Figure 12-8 a.
In 3/5 MVA converters, the INT board is also mounted on the back
side of the hinged cover. See
Figure 12-8 b.
Figure 12-8 Location of INT Board in ARU and INU
CVMI board and INT board behind cover
a ARU/INU for Power Ratings > 7MVA
b INU for 3/5 MVA Converters
INT board behind cover