Technical data
ACH550-01 User's Manual
any further options. Column “With du/dt filters” defines the cable
lengths when an external du/dt filter is used.
The columns under heading “EMC limits” show the maximum
cable lengths with which the units have been tested for EMC
emissions. The factory guarantees that these cable lengths
meet the EMC standard requirements.
If external sine filters are installed, longer cable lengths can be
used. With sine filters the limiting factors are the voltage drop of
the cable, which has to be taken into account in engineering, as
well as the EMC limits (where applicable).
The default switching frequency is 4 kHz.
In multimotor systems, the calculated sum of all motor cable
lengths must not exceed the maximum motor cable length given
in the tables above.
Using a motor cable longer than specified in the
table above may cause permanent damage to the drive.
Examples for using the table
Checking and conclusions
R1 frame size,
8 kHz fsw,
Category C2,
150 m cable
Check operational limits for R1 and 8 kHz ->
for a 150 m cable a du/dt filter is needed.
Check EMC limits -> EMC requirements for
Category C2 are met with a 150 m cable.
R3 frame size,
4 kHz fsw,
Category C3,
300 m cable
Check operational limits for R3 and 4 kHz ->
a 300 m cable cannot be used even with a
du/dt filter. A sine filter must be used and the
voltage drop of the cable must be taken into
account in the installation.
Check EMC limits -> EMC requirements for
Category C3 are met with a 300 m cable.
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