+33 4 7642 9550
Cantar-X User Manual v2.44 (r14) 2013 March 21
CF caddy ref. 20 120 70 V1
faceplate for CF type-1 only (3.3mm opening)
faceplate for CF type-1 & type-2 (5mm opening).
CF caddy ref. 20 120 70 V2
(with retaining screw)
faceplate for CF type-1 & type-2 (5mm opening).
Faster than DVD-RAM disks, CF cards help you get your
backup at wrap, even more so if you activate the 'Idle Bckp'
mode at the beginning of the session. Select 30MB/s
Sandisk, Transcend or Lexar cards ( 64GB max.).
Cantar firmware
or newer must be installed.
CF caddy installation
Extract the DVD caddy ( if any ), remove retaining screw 'A'
(see p.5)
, introduce a ballpoint pen into hole 'B' and push
the caddy toward the front opening where you can grab it.
Introduce the CF caddy
and (if V2) tighten the
is held in-place by spring tension only.
CF card handling
Don't (un)plug a CF card while the caddy's LED is 'ON'.
To extract the card, grab it by its sides with your thumb and
index as levers taking support on the caddy faceplate.
Useful tip:
once a CF has been duplicated and re-formatted, i.e.
available for backup again, stick a 'Ready to Record' tape
stamp over its connector. To insert it into the caddy, the
tape must be pulled off, the card becomes 'exposed' and
should not be used in any other device on set.
insert the CF card, go to SESSION.05 'Frmat Cdy-A'
(UM p.36). press [ok], '
CF Format, Shift+Red
' is displayed,
the caddy is not powered, the red LED is 'OFF'.
press and hold [shift] [red] buttons together, keep them
pressed until '
' appears. '
' is displayed
when finished. The 'one-platter'
icon appears on the right circular
screen to indicate the CF card is
ready for use. Press [ok] or go
to [STOP].
to display the card capacity in MB, go to BACKUP.06
'Media Type', select CF card [ok], and press [EYE].
One thing physical to check: when the Cantar is on,
does the CF Tray's LED stay on at all times? If so, then
that will keep the Cantar from formatting the CF. The red
LED should only come on when the Cantar is accessing
the CF tray (read/write/format).
backup At Call
Go to BACKUP.10 'Media Label', depending on the volume
of the files to be copied, the number of requested cards of
same capacity*
as the one inserted into the caddy is
displayed, e.g., if 6GB of data are to be copied, and
you insert a 4GB CF, the screen will show
. Activate
BACKUP.14 'Run Bckp'. Once done, go to SESSION to
power off the CF caddy, then remove card #1 and insert
card #2. Go back to BACKUP.10, select
, go to
BACKUP.14 'Run Bckp'.
* If you need several cards to perform the backup 'At
Call', it is recommended to use the same capacity cards.
go to BACKUP.06 or BACKUP.14, and press
the [EYE] button to activate the caterpillar displaying the
remaining space.
Idle Backup
TEST position. Upon successful completion of each take
copy, an '
Idle Bckp OK
' message is displayed. If there
is insufficient space to record a file, the process stops and
Card full
' is displayed. Go to [STOP], remove the card
and insert a new one. Idle Bckp will resume upon going
to [TEST].
to display the free space go to [PPR] and back to
[TEST]; after a few seconds the 'I.Free' message displays the
card available space in MegaBytes.
Frmat Cdy-A
CF card