+33 4 7642 9550
Cantar-X User Manual v2.44 (r14) 2013 March 21
Project, Day & Files
Error-free filing with
disk partitioning
When you cold-start Cantar, it assumes you want to con-
tinue working on your latest project, which is displayed at
the bottom of the rectangular screen.
When you rent a Cantar, its project memory should be
empty; the rectangular screen should display 'No Project'.
Once created, a 'project name' regroups all data related to
it, such as the days of recording, the tracks and the disks
used. This name is stored in each audio file, there is no risk
of a file getting lost in a maze of terabytes.
Unlike other machines, the Cantar file sorting system doesn't
rely on disk partitions. Instead, it uses the
path tree, which allows for the intuitive and safe
retrieval of any audio file on unpartitioned disks, anywhere
along the PostChain. It is
Operator-error prone.
1 Project
If you are in a bind and have no time to select a project in
SESSION.01 'ProjectName' (p.36), go directly to REC, your
audio files will be stored in a project named AACANTAR.
Later, with Majax you will move these audio files out of the
'AACANTAR' folder and into the project directory you would
have created in the mean time.
in their iXML chunk, the moved files still hold 'AACANTAR'
as the Project Name. You will need to manually replace that
provisional name with the correct name.
2 WorkDay folder
At startup Cantar asks: '
New Workday?
', giving you the
possibility to say 'NO'. Note that going to TEST or REC is a
way to say 'YES'. The 'workday'
is not the same as the actual
'time-of-day' as defined by the
sync clocks, it is an interpreta-
tion of the 'human' day (see next
The Cantar recorded files are
multi-monophonic, i.e. indepen-
dent files stored in a 'workday folder'. That folder is auto-
matically created at the start of each day and is named for
the date, e.g. 20041206.AAD (see
Calender Time
, p.13).
If the isolated (ISO) tracks must be interleaved before import
into crippled editing machines in need of polyphonic files,
Cantar builds an
AAP suffixed 'provisional folder' to momen-
tarily store them (see BACKUP.13 'Clean Polys', p.41).
3 Filename
In 1997, the Aaton Indaw multi-track digital recorder intro-
duced the Aaton filename system. Each filename consists
of: a unique
; an optional
that displays the
scene, take-gender and take#; a
that indicates the
kind and rank of the file.
The aim is to perform these tasks while remaining compatible with
EDL standards which only handle '8+3' DOS filenames, and with
Mac OS 9 limited to 31 characters.
• The
(six character, automatically incremented index,
i.e.AD1234) differentiates 6.7 million takes, a sound mixer's
lifetime! ( Indaw generates a 3 letter and 3 number filetag
for 17.6 million takes). The filetag must remain untouched all
the way through the final mix.
Each 'Take' generates a 'file group' sharing the same scene
ID, take # and filetag, the filetag uniquely identifies and
reunites the native ISO tracks/files, e.g. AD1234 is the
unique filetag of AD1234_1 to AD1234_8, of their associ-
ated polyphonic file AD1234PR, and of their poly mixdown
• The
displays the scene, take-gender, and
take #, e.g. scene A18:2a, take-gender t, take 04
• The
is used to flag the kind of file, either multi-
monophonic (_1 .. _8), or interleaved polyNative (PN), or
interleaved polyRotate (PR), or poly miXdown (PX).
A short filename: AD1234_1.wav
A long filename: AD1234==A18:2a t04==_1.wav
A questionable file?
Ask Aaton to give you
access to their file-repair FTP site.
If you don't have an
ftp client, download the Mac-OS
'Cyberduck' freeware
and for Win2K PCs
An operational problem?
Go to TECHSET.03
'Save Setup', and create a Setup
file to be e-mailed to
[email protected], this
help them solve your
New Workday?
No = [esc]
Yes = [ok]
13.5 V13.9
Sys 12:29:14