+33 4 7642 9550
Cantar-X User Manual v2.44 (r14) 2013 March 21
The 'TapeRef' solution
The trick invented by video people is to differentiate identical
TC(h)' by manually entering the camera's 'VideoTapeID' into
the editing databases... To avoid this old 'video cassette
minded' system (note1), Cantar uses the date (that CMX's
EDLs killed), by replacing the arbitrary 'VideoTapeID' entries
with the MMDD in the 'TapeRef' field; no longer bothering
the sound recordist with video cassette, P2 or SxS IDs it takes
care of multi-camera shooting too.
User's TapeRef, Cantar side
Using the workday which gives a name to the Cantar fold-
ers, the MMDD (month/day) is automatically stored in the
'User's TapeRef' metadata field of each audio file. As an
alternative to the absolute date, some productions do prefer
to enter manually incremented shooting days (note2).
User's TapeRef, Camera side
The Camera Operator writes the 'VideoTape #' six charac-
ters on his media, but instead of an arbitrary name he writes
"MMDD/CamID/Cassette#". examples:
April 18
, Camera:
, Cassette:
April 18
, Camera:
, Cassette:
The 1 – 9 & A – F characters identify 15 cassettes per
camera per day... long working hours!
User's TapeRef,
NLE side
The assistant-editor keys-in the six characters of the standard
'VideoTapeID' when preping the digitization of the cassette,
they will appear in the 'TapeID' (or SoundRoll) column of
the bin. Note that if the 'VideoTapeID' sticker is lost or not
exixting, it is easy for the assistant to replace it by writing
the MMDD of the shooting day followed with an arbitrarily
incremented import #.
User's TapeRef, final mix side
• To perform the auto-conforming of the Cantar ISO files
to the edited mixdown,
(p.57) first sorts them by
comparing the leading MMDD four characters (0418) of the
EDL's 'TapeID' (or SoundRoll) column with the 'User's TapeRef'
found in the audio files metadata, then uses the timecode
in- and out-points to finish the job (with
you don't
even need to use Titan).
D- Autosync
• editing with the Cantar ISO tracks
Correlated to the Video-TC of the images, the Audio-TC is
used to 'Autosync' the imported Cantar ISO tracks and the
video pictures. Both TC(h) and TC(d) must match.
• editing with the camera mixdown
'Autosync' is not applicable since the mixdown has already
been linked to the images during their import.
E- EDL generation
• editing with the Cantar ISO tracks
Once editing is done, before triggering the Audio-EDL
generation, the editor selects
(file-names) as the file
sorting mode.
• editing with the camera mixdown
Once editing is done, before triggering the Audio-EDL gen-
eration, the editor selects the classic 'TapeID' (or SoundRoll)
as the file sorting mode.
A demand to be resisted,
some producers ask sound
recordists to enter the camera/cassette IDs in the 'TapeRef'
field, this is no good:
quite often the sound recordist is
warned too late of the camera cassette change-over.
with video cassettes being replaced by cards, it becomes
almost impossible to keep track of them.
on a multi-
camera shoot, there is no provision to enter double or triple
camera cassette IDs into the metadata.
like any manual
operation done in a hurry, it is error prone.
The 'Shooting Day Rank' manual entry increases the
risk of human error, i
f you nevertheless use it instead of the
absolute date, go to the Tape-Ref field following Comments
in PPR 'edit'. First thing in the morning, right after accepting
a 'new day', go there and overwrite the MMDD month/
day with the 'day rank', e.g. day twenty-five = D025. On
the camera side, the assistant writes D025(B1) instead of
0418(B1) on the video cassette.
With Majax, you can batch modify the 'TapeRef' by
highlighting the concerned files and entering the new value
in the bottom-right field. It is recorded in the iXML metadata
and insures that whatever happens to your files, e.g. mono
to poly, mixdown, gathering in a different folder, copy to
DVD..., they will keep their 'TapeRef'.