+33 4 7642 9550
Cantar-X User Manual v2.44 (r14) 2013 March 21
note2 :
the default entry mode is 'overwrite', if you change
it by selecting 'insert' on the keyboard, it will revert to 'over-
write' on the tenth character since track-names are limited to
this number.
4 User's Tape Ref
By [jog]-ing past '
Del TrkName
', you can overwrite
automatic Cantar generated MMDD
Usr TapeRef
' with a
project's “Shoot Day Number”, or a Tape ID, later called
“Roll Number” on the Avid (p.47). (cf [Tape Ref] at the bot-
tom right of the Majax screen).
Only use
BCD characters if you want to clone the TapeRef
into the LTC-out user bits (see AUDIO/TC.18
Post-Record metadata entry: 'PREVIOUS take'
After REC, stay on PPR, the metadata to be used for the next
take is displayed. If you want to modify the just recorded
take's metadata, press [shift] [silver].
The rectangular screen displays EDIT, press [ok] then [>],
[<] or [jog] to edit the PREVious scene ID, take # and take-
gender ([red] button) of the previous file as explained in
1 - 4 (above).
Press [ok] to confirm, then [shift] [silver] to close.
Pazienza! paciencia! patience!
When editing metadata entries, you are modifying the
native files stored in the internal HD. If you are working in
simultaneous (mirroring) mode, these modifications are imme-
diately applied to the external drive files as well. But if you
are working in
Idle Bckp
mode, they will only be applied
later when Cantar is in TEST position.
So, at the end of the session, do not unplug the backup
media in haste. Wait until Idle Bckp finishes its revamping
Automatic file splitting
If you need to record audio during very long periods with-
out interruption but you don't want files larger than 4GB,
Cantar automatically closes the file and starts a new one:
four settings are available:
(e.g.1 track for 30 min
@ 24-bit / 48kHz),
(700MB CD-R capacity),
(default setting),
(FAT32 max. filesize). The filetag
number is incremented but the scene and take IDs remain
the same.
Manual file splitting
To divide a file into short segments, quickly go from REC
to PPR and back to REC. A new file is created; it carries
the same scene ID and the take # is incremented. You will
not lose a single audio sample. An up to one second of
pre-silence is added at the head of the new file to ease the
splicing work in Post.
By setting the PPR buffer to a long enough duration you can
even enter new scene and take IDs and comments.
Last take erasure
To save disk space, Cantar lets you
the last take, e.g.
false start
aborted remix
. In PPR, press [shift] [silver],
to open 'Edit prev.', [ok]; select 'Erase Take'; toggle from
'No' to 'Yes', [ok]. Since THERE IS NO WAY to retrieve
such an erased take, for your protection, the latest position
must have been REC, and the power must not have been
turned 'OFF'.
The next take will carry the same take # as the erased
False start
If you are under pressure, and not willing to risk an unfor-
giveable mistake,
do not erase a false start as described
stay in REC
press the [red] button until 'n' (
o good)
is selected in the t-p-w-a-n take-gender list, then go to PPR.
The next take will carry the same take # as the ignored one.
Takes with a take-gender of '
' are grayed in the PDF sound
report and carry an '
aborted/false start
' header in the 'com-
ment' line but they can nevertheless be used.
See BROWSE p.25 for another way to trash a take by hid-
ing it. This lets you change your mind later.