Pause Build
- Temporarily stopping a build to change profiles or to terminate a build. The system maintains the inert state, the
heaters stay on, and you can resume the build. Only the scanning and roller motion stop.
- Proportional Integral Derivative, an output instruction to the machine that controls physical properties, such as
Placing Parts
- Arranging parts in the volume of the build volume
- In the sintering process, the material used to build parts.
Powder Bed
- The layer of powder spread across the bottom of the process chamber by the roller
Powder Leveling
- The process by which the roller transports and levels powder across the bottom of the process chamber
Prime Cycle
- Adds a layer of powder to the part bed without indexing the part piston down. This allows you to compensate for
powder short feeds.
- The means and methods by which you produce a sintered part in the SLS system.
Process Chamber
- The cavity in the SLS system where the part build occurs - it contains the heaters, the roller, and the part
- See
- The mechanism in the SLS system that transports and levels powder across the part bed.
Rough Breakout
- The process in which a sintered part is removed from the part cake
Scan Line
- The path where the laser sinters a line of powder across the part bed.
- The complete set of components that work together to deflect the laser beam onto the target. These include the
electronics, the mirrors, and the galvanometers.
- The process by which the laser beam is deflected onto the part plane in order to sinter a part.
Scanning Mirrors
- The mirrors, moved by the galvanometers, that direct the CO
laser beam during the selective laser sintering
- Standard cubic feet per minute
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) Process
- A thermodynamic process that applies external energy in the form of directed laser
energy that causes particulates of a heat-fusible powder to fuse into a solid mass.
Set Point
- A value for a particular parameter established by a configuration file or by the user and which the SLS system
attempts to achieve. For example, the Piston Heater Set Point is the temperature that the system attempts to achieve for
the piston heater. The actual temperature may fluctuate around the set point value as the system attempts to stabilize the
temperature at the set point.
- The process by which you turn off various parts of the SLS system. Depending on the circumstances, there are
various means to shut down all or parts of the SLS system.
- Generating the part cross-section data for one or more parts.
- To arrange facets in an STL file in ascending Z order.
Sorted Facet File
- A file that contains the facets in the STL file sorted in ascending Z order. The build prep software creates
the sorted facet file. You can display the sorted facet files in the Build Setup application. The sorted facet file is used by the SLS
slicer to create scan files.
- The different control stages that a build may go through. A build profile defines each control stage. See also
Cool-Down Stage
, and
Warm-up Stage
STL Geometry File
- A file produced by a CAD system. It is composed of triangles connected at vertices that represent exterior
and interior surfaces. It can be either ASCII or binary. In general, binary files provide better space conservation and system
Terminate Build
- To stop a build in progress. Terminating a build turns off the heaters and does not maintain an inert state.
Depending on the material and the elapsed time, you can restart a terminated build.
Warm-up Stage
- Defines the build profile for the layers that precede a build. See also
Build Stage
Cool-Down Stage