Homing a Piston
- The process of aligning the piston at the home limit and reestablishing the piston’s ability to track its
- Lowering the oxygen level and raising the nitrogen level in the SLS system process chamber. See also
, and
Infrared IR Sensor
- A temperature sensor that reacts to the infrared component of light. In the SLS system, infrared sensors
measure the temperature in the part bed.
- A device that makes or breaks a circuit, depending on the condition it should satisfy. In the SLS system, interlocks
serve as safety devices. Unless interlocks are in place, certain operations cannot run.
IR Block
- The mechanism for maintaining a stable temperature for the IR sensor.
- An electronic device that converts electrical energy into a narrowly-focused intense beam of visible or infrared light. In
the SLS system, laser refers to a 25, 50, or 100 watt CO
laser. See also CO
Laser Beam
- The focused laser light that sinters the powder in the SLS system.
Laser Scan Spacing
- On the part bed, the distance between adjacent scan lines.
Laser Scan Speed
- The speed at which the laser travels in a scan line across the part bed. It is measured in inches per second
or millimeters per second.
Laser Window
- The crystalline window in the top of the process chamber through which the laser beam is directed onto the
part bed.
- A single layer of powder; it may contain a slice of several parts.
Log Files
- As you use the SLS system, it automatically creates files in the
folders. These files record
the events that occur while the software is operating. Each time you access the SLS system software, it records information in
these files, continually adding new information as the application runs.
- Liters per minute
Main Mode
- The initial state for the SLS system software. Main mode provides options for switching to either of the other two
modes, as well as for starting Build Prep software. See also
Build Mode
Manual Operations Mode
Manual Operations
- Actions that a user performs via the SLS system computer that are not part of the part-building process.
These include lowering a piston and moving the roller.
Manual Operations Mode
- A state of the SLS system Sinter software in which options to perform manual operations are
available. See also
Build Mode
Main Mode
- The powder used in the laser sintering process.
Material Configuration File
- In the SLS application software, a file that specifies the defaults and ranges for the build
parameters for a particular material.
- In the SLS system software, any information displayed to the user that indicates that something is incorrect.
Messages appear in the
Message List
- A state of operation in the SLS Sinter system software. The software has three modes: Main mode, Build mode, and
Manual Operations mode. The available commands differ in each mode.
Open Beam Operations
- When the laser is in an unhoused condition, which occurs only during service procedures.
Operating System
- A program that controls a computer and makes it possible for users to enter and run other programs.
- A person trained to operate the SLS system and perform all tasks associated with building parts. Also called a user.
- The process of sintering the perimeter of a part before or after sintering the fill of the part on each layer of powder.
The advantage of outlining is that it provides increased accuracy in the part’s surface finish.
Oxygen Sensor - Process Chamber
- Detects the percentage of oxygen inside the process chamber
- The output of the selective laser sintering process, a three-dimensional object described by a CAD or STL file and created
by the SLS system.
Part Bed
- The area in the part cylinder that contains both the powder being sintered and the sintered part(s).
Part Bed Heaters
- The heaters in the process chamber that warm the powder in the part bed
Part Cake
- The sintered parts and the surrounding unsintered powder in the part cylinder after a build is complete
Part Cylinder
- The metal container that contains the part and the part piston.
Part Piston
- The piston within the part cylinder that supports the powder on which the part is sintered
Part Profile
- The control parameters for a specific part and how they will vary during a build. The part profile is one component
of the build packet. See also
Build Profile
Part Slice
- In a part build, a single sintered layer of powder - a horizontal cross-section of a part.
- Specifies where to find files located in a computer directory system - a map to a particular place in the directory