- In the SLS system software, any warning that can eventually turn into an alarm, based on the amount of time that
the warning is active.
Air Handler
- The component of the MQC that removes airborne powder during sifting and rough breakout procedures. See
MQC User Guide for more information.
- An abnormal operating condition that shuts down your current operation, motion, heating, and lasing in the SLS
Application - Sinter Software
- The software that runs the SLS system. Currently runs on Windows 10.
Beam Delivery System
- see also Image Processing Module (IPM) - All the optical components of the SLS system, including the
laser, mirrors, lenses, and galvanometers
Beam Width (Laser Spot Size)
- Smallest diameter of the focused laser beam; it is located at the image plane in the part bed.
Bounding Box
- An imaginary box that defines the three-dimensional space in which the part fits. Bounding boxes are used in
the Build Setup application.
- One or more parts set up to be sintered in the same part cylinder.
Build Mode
- A state of operation of the SLS system software in which options to start and stop a build process are available.
See also Main Mode, Manual Operations mode.
Build Packet File (BPF)
- The file that contains the collection of parameters that define a build. You must prepare a build packet
file before you can run a build.
Build Profile
- The control parameters for an entire build and how they will vary during the build. These do not vary from part to
part during a build. See also Part Profile.
Build Stage
- Defines the build profile for the layers during the build stage, as opposed to the warm-up and cool-down stages.
See also Cool-Down stage and Warm-Up stage.
Build Viewer
- During a build, a graphical representation of the build, viewed from above, that simulates on the computer
screen each slice as it is scanned. While you are running a build, you can use the Build Viewer to monitor how the build is
executing. The Build Viewer is located next to the
Build Status
dialog box.
- The power source for the selective laser sintering process. The beam is invisible and can cause serious burns.
Cool-down Stage
- The build profile for the layers that come after a build when there is not a follow-on build. See also Build
Stage and Warm-Up Stage.
- A response or set of conditions used by a computer unless the user gives it specific instructions to use something else.
- In the SLS system, a condition that must be met before a command can be executed.
Dialog Box
- A subordinate window that opens within the SLS system software. It either presents information to you or asks you
to give information to the software.
Duty Cycle
- In a timed function, the percent of time that the function is on.
- In the STL model of a part, the triangular surface areas that represent the exterior and interior surfaces.
- Parallel vectors that make up the horizontal surface of a slice in a part build
Fine Breakout
- The final finishing process for a sintered part after breakout. Fine breakout can include sanding, applying a
lacquer, and so forth. See also Rough Breakout Station.
- The nitrogen/oxygen mix supplied to the SLS system process chamber during the build process. See also Gauge Panel,
Inerting, Supply Gas, and Return Gas.
Gauge Panel
- Controls the atmosphere, inerting, process chamber. See also Inerting, Supply Gas, and Return Gas.
Heater Assembly
- SLS 380 Process Chamber Configuration
Eight heaters controlled by Eight zones - Four lower, outside heaters in a fixed position and four upper, inner heaters
on trays that fold up against the process-chamber walls:
Outer and Inner Right Back (Quadrant 1)
Outer and Inner Left Back (Quadrant 2)
Outer and Inner Left Front (Quadrant 3)
Outer and Inner Right Front (Quadrant 4)
The IR sensor measures the temperature of the part bed and a single Master Duty Cycle is calculated. Each of the
eight heater zones uses a ratio of the Master Duty Cycle. Early in the warm-up stage, during the initial ramp up of
temperatures, these ratios are controlled by the process values in the build profile. After 7 mm, the IR camera is used
to control the ratios.