Tools and Equipment Required
Sand paper (220 to 1200 grit)
Running water
Cloth or paper towel for drying part
Complete the following steps to wet sand a part:
1. Dip the clean part in water.
Sand the surface until you achieve the desired finish. Start with 220 grit followed by 320 grit, 400 grit, 600 grit, and 1200
NOTE: After using 320 grit, be sure to change the water frequently.
Parts printed with DuraForm ProX PA Plastic materials can be sealed or infiltrated with a variety of products, including primers,
paints, polyurethanes, cyanoacrylates (i.e. “super glues”), and epoxies.
The parts tend to be dense, so low viscosity products or products that can be thinned are easier to use and would be
advantageous to use to avoid altering a part’s dimensions.
For full infiltration, 3D Systems recommends that you use a vacuum chamber to infiltrate parts. If you only need a surface coat
of sealant, then brushing or dipping is sufficient.
Caution: When working with infiltrants, use solvent-resistant gloves in a well-ventilated area, and follow
proper safety precautions .
Some suggested products:
Thermal-Cure Sealants: Godfrey & Wing Inc .
220 Campus Drive, Aurora, OH 44202
Phone: +1.330.562.1440
Toll free: +1.800.241.2579 Fax: +1.330.562.1510
http://www .godfreywing .com/vacuum-impregnation/sealants/types-of-gw-sealants
Part Number: 95-1000A + catalyst
UCAR Vehicle 443 Acrylic Emulsion:
A Union Carbide product.
Mix 72% emulsion with 28% water to create a 32% solid mixture. Dip the parts in this mixture for a surface coat. Use an
industrial oven at 70° C to dry parts afterwards.
3D Systems recommends Loctite 408. For cyanoacrylates, use of an industrial oven or vacuum chamber is
not recommended.
See also
Repairing and Joining Parts
You can use any water-based polyurethane sealant to infiltrate and seal parts printed with DuraForm ProX PA Plastic materials.
Tools and Equipment Required:
Metal pans deep enough to submerge parts
Foam brush or applicator (optional)
Industrial oven (optional)
Vacuum Chamber (optional)
1. Sand the part before sealing, if desired. See
Wet Sanding Procedure
Coat and infiltrate the part with sealant using one of the following methods:
Paint the sealant on with a foam brush.
Immerse the parts in a container of sealant for five minutes. If the parts float, weigh them down or hold them down.
To fully infiltrate thick-walled parts (i.e. parts with walls more than 7.5 mm [0.3 inches] thick), place them in a container
of sealant in a vacuum chamber until air stops bubbling out of the sealant.