Selection of GSM module use –
the ATEUS - BLUESTAR allows you to select one of
three available ways of GSM module occupation: 1. Any outgoing call is set up via a GSM
module according to the B channel used. This option helps transfer routing functions to a
connected PBX router. 2. This mode allows to occupy GSM modules in groups cyclically, and 3.
the last option helps select GSM modules in a group according to the number of minutes called
(the counting mode can be predefined of course).
GSM-network friendly –
the ATEUS - BLUESTAR allows to activate the automatic GSM
module log-out in certain time intervals. Using this function you can log out and disable
automatically unused GSM modules at defined time intervals. Since the time between the GSM
module activation and readiness for work is roughly 10-25 seconds, a user-defined hot reserve
is maintained, i.e. some GSM modules keep logged in. This means that any increase in the
ATEUS – BLUESTAR load result in an automatic activation of other GSM modules so that the
hot reserve be maintained. This feature also reduces the capacity of the GSM network to detect
a unit and disconnect it from the mains.
High connection rate
since GSM networks are not quite reliable and show lack of
capacity occasionally, the ATEUS - BLUESTAR is equipped with the automatic call forwarding
to other GSM networks or call rejection (without call loss). This function uses the ISDN signaling
protocol where a call SETUP message is sent to the ATEUS - BLUESTAR first. This message
contains the called number and CLIP if necessary. Having received this message, the ATEUS –
BLUESTAR can either: reject the call (the other party will route it to another device),
REJECT message including reasoning (CAUSE),
or receive and connect the call – SETUP.ACK message.
The device on the other side awaits one of the above mentioned responses for 2 seconds.
During this time, the ATEUS – BLUESTAR has to decide whether it is able to set up the call,
tries to find a free GSM module and establish connection. If the selected GSM module is busy, it
must find other free GSM modules. If it fails to find a free route, it rejects the call request. The
CAUSE number is user-defined. If it succeeds, it receives and sets up the call.
Detailed statistics
provides a detailed overview of the count of incoming and outgoing
calls and their successful connections. The statistic data can be displayed either globally for the
whole ATEUS - BLUESTAR, or for the selected GSM provider, or the selected GSM module
(SIM card). These data are generated automatically.
Detailed call information –
the ATEUS – BLUESTAR can save information on completed
calls automatically (CDR). Call information includes:
call beginning date and time
call type
I-FD : Not connected incoming call
I-OK : Successfully connected incoming call
O-FD : Unsuccessful outgoing call
O-OK : Successfully connected outgoing call
Relation end reasoning (CAUSE) sent to ISDN interface
Number of B channel used
Number of GSM module used
Number of GSM group used
Connection setup time
Call duration mmm:ss (max. 255:59)
Call cost (if pseudotariff metering is enabled)
ID of BLUESTAR gateway