P. 10
Fxbox 2.0 User Manual
3:54 PM
v. 2.0
Copyright ©1010music LLC 2019
Effects Chains
Fxbox supports two effects chains per preset: Chain A and Chain B. The output of Chain A is routed to Out1 and Out2,
while the Chain B output is routed to FX1 and FX2. You can choose which of the two inputs is sent through each effects
Configure Inputs for Effects Chains and Select a Chain
Follow these steps to select the inputs for each effect chain:
Press HOME to return to the Main screen if needed.
Touch the Chain Selection icon (A or B) near the top right corner of the screen. This will display the Chain
Management Screen
Touch an input button on the left side of the screen to toggle the input for the corresponding chain. Light blue
inputs are enabled.
Touch a chain box to view the effects grid for that chain on the Main screen.
You can route any combination of inputs to the chains. Connect the audio outputs at Out1, Out2, FX1 and FX2 to an
external speaker to hear the results of the effects processing. If you want to monitor the dry signal, send the desired inputs
to a chain, and leave the effects grid for that chain empty.
Figure 8: Chain Management Screen