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The Home Bakery has a built-in lithium battery which operates the clock and memory functions even
when the machine is not plugged in. (For additional battery information see page 16.)
The Clock is a 24-hour clock: 12:00 means noon, 0:00 means midnight. For times after noon, subtract 12
hours from the time. For example, 17:00 would be 5:00 PM or 17 minus 12. (The clock is preset to 6:00
AM Pacific Standard Time at the time of shipment from the factory.)
Setting the Clock
Plug machine into outlet. Press the Time
Setting bar 3 times; the preset time indicated
on the display panel will blink. If the time is
not blinking, press the “RESET” key and the
“Time Setting” key three times again.
Press the Hours key and hold until it reaches
9; release the key.
Press the Minutes key until it reaches 15;
release the key.
Press the Set key and the clock will continue
from the time you have set.
Example: To set the clock to 9:15 AM:
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4: