Match the angle of the bulkheads. Also,
half of the keel at the same time, so that the bottom
sheet lays flat on the structure. Do not change the
shape of the keel, just match the angle.
The keel will have a slight “V” shape when you are
Be very careful not to sand the keel too much, or
the bottom will not fit!
Make a mark in the exact center of bulkheads 4 and
5. Make this mark on the edge, so that you know
how far to glue the sheeting.
Note that the bottom sheets have the position of the
strakes marked on one side. This side must face
outside the hull.
Test fit the bottom sheeting in place. It should cover
exactly half of the keel. Also, sand a gradually
increasing bevel on the inside (center) edge, so that
both bottom sheets will meet squarely.
Make sure the front is accurately aligned with the
center of the keel and that there is some overlap at
the rear.
When satisfied with the fit, make an alignment mark
on the bottom sheeting and the keel.
Mix up some 30 minute epoxy.
Brush epoxy onto the first 6 inches of the front of
both bottom sheets. This should be done on the side
WITHOUT the strake outline. Do the same to the
upper and lower chines (both sides, and top and
bottom of the chines). Brush epoxy from the nose to
bulkhead 1. These areas are difficult to seal once
the bottoms are on.
Once cured, you can glue the bottom sheets on as
follows: Do one side at a time. Sand the area that
you coated previously.
Using a small stick or acid brush, coat the chines
and bulkheads with 30 minute epoxy where the
bottom sheeting will contact. Work quickly.
Also coat half of the keel.
Make sure that the strake outline is facing out when
you glue the sheet in place.
Align your marks and put a couple of clamps along
the keel, clamping the sheeting firmly to the keel.
Check your center marks on bulkheads 4 and 5.
Wipe all excess glue off of the keel, as it will
interfere with the other side sheeting.