The bottom (inside) of the deck pieces should have
2 coats of epoxy finishing resin on them by now. If
not, get it done first and allow to cure.
Sand or scrape the underside of all decks.
Mix about 1/2 ounce of 30 minute epoxy. Using a
stick or acid brush, coat the tops of the bulkheads
and spines with resin. Only coat the areas that the
center deck will cover.
This includes half of the spines.
Also coat all around the perimeter of the deck. Be
sure you are working on the inside. Work quickly.
Align and clamp the center deck at bulkhead 3.
Then align and clamp the nose, then the sides.
Check all around to make sure that the deck is tight
against the top of the spines and bulkheads.
Scrape any excess epoxy from the spines. We will
be gluing the deck sides here.
Once cured, do the same thing with each side.
Test fit the side decks first, and sand as needed for
a good fit.
Clamp to the deck support and bulkhead 3. Clamp
along DS. Use light clamp pressure.
Tape the rest. Clamp
Continue adding tape until the entire deck side is in
contact all the way around.
Add weights if needed to get full contact all the way
Repeat on other side deck.
Allow to cure.
After the deck sheeting is fully cured, use your 150
grit to sand the seams flush.
Give the whole boat a good sanding with a 150 grit
block. Round off the nose.
Make sure that the deck sides are flush with the
deck supports. Sand flush if needed.