Hatch Sheeting
Test fit each sheet in place, before gluing.
Rear hatch:
Using medium CA or Titebond lll, glue (1/16 ply)
H14 in place on the center of the rear hatch. Clamp
until cured.
Use medium CA to glue the (1/32 ply) H15’s in
place as follows.
The H15 decks must be glued in the right sequence
to get that “fastback” look.
If you don’t, it will look “bumpy”.
Test the fit of H15. Make sure that you have
scraped any glue that may have squeezed out from
This is the process we use…
spray accelerator on the bottom of H15.
Run a bead of medium CA along H9 and H7.
Press the sheet onto H9 and hold for a few seconds
until cured. You will not have any time to re-
As soon as that is cured, press the sheet onto H7
along the full length. Only press on the very edge,
so you don’t distort the sheet.
Once this cures, do the other side the same way.
Once that cures, glue the rest of H15 from
underneath. Hit it with a little accelerator.
Repeat for the other H15.
Place on a flat surface and weight down until we
need it again.
Front hatch:
Sand the sides of H2 so that they match the angle
of the hatch.
You won’t be able to sand against H1 very much
(without cutting into it), so do the best you can.
We used Medium CA just like the rear hatch.
Note that H2 has a “hump” near the front. You can
pre-bend H12 to fit nicely.
Glue to H2, hold until cured, then glue to H4.
Repeat on other H12, then glue from inside just like
the rear hatch.