Align the marks and start clamping with rubber
bands as before, adjusting the sheeting for equal
overlap on the top and bottom.
Line up the nose, so that the side covers half of the
You will need a few clamps.
Clamp lightly, but be careful not to distort the
Check all over to be sure that the side is in contact
with the frame. If not, add clamps until it is.
Allow to cure at least 3 hours.
Repeat for the other side. Get the nose to fit as well
as you can. If there is a gap, don’t worry about it.
That’s what wood filler is for…
After the sides have cured, sand the rear of
bulkhead 5. Sand the chines and sides flush with
the bulkhead.
Using 30 minute epoxy, glue the transom to the
back of bulkhead 5. Try to match the bottom “vee”,
and leave an equal overhang on the sides.
Clamp until dry.
Note the correct orientation of the transom. If you
don’t, the holes will be in the wrong position.