All information contained herein is the exclusive copyright of Round Bank Engineering Ltd and is not to by copied,
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Commands and Parameters
Commands (Itemised in Blue colouring in ZDA) are used to retrieve data from the controller. For
example, querying the motor speed or the fault code/fault data. Commands do not change any
parameters or variables within the controller.
Commands are split up into two categories. Basic Commands that have no associated values (No
values can be typed into the text box)
and when the “Tx” button is pressed, there can only be one
response (displayed in the Text Window near the bottom of the software). There are also advanced
commands that allow values to be typed into the associated text box. Each value typed into the text
box will command different data within the controller. More details on the advanced commands and
their associated values can be found in the
“Commands & Parameters” section of this document.
only have a “Tx” butto
n. Basic commands will return their values as soon as this button is
pressed, where as advanced commands will return values depending on the number in the adjacent
text box when the “Tx”
button is pressed.
Parameters are the user programmable variables that can be changed to suit the required motor or
application. All parameters are stored in non-volatile memory and can be either read, or written to.
There are limits set both via the ZDA software, as well as within the controller firmware to ensure
new parameters cannot be set out of bounds.
Parameters have two associated buttons. The “G” button represents “
Parameter Value” where
as the “S” represents “Set Parameter Value”.