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Command & Parameter Details section.
COM Port Settings
UART COM Port settings for the ZDBL30MUL-48:
Baud Rate: 115200, Data bits = 8, Parity = None, Stop bits = 0.
Sending Commands
To Send commands to get data, you must send a string of data followed by a \r.
e.g. to get the application name, the string sent must be ZSVERSTR\r. This will then return a string of
The data after the equal sign is the data reply. So in this instance, the result is ZDBL30MUL-48.
Writing Commands
Writing Commands is like reading, with the main difference being that there is an added part to the
string where you state what the new value should be.
e.g. to set X send the command ZDInvSet = 1\r. If the string is acknowledged by the controller, the
host will receive the string ZDInvSet = 1\r.
If the value sent is limited by the controller, the command returned will be set to the closest
maximum or minimum limit value.
If the String is sent without the “= x” part of t
he string, the controller will send you the value that is