The general setpoint will be, at first, the
of them: 25ºC.
Because of the
, those 25ºC are truncated to 24ºC (the maximum allowed).
Supposing now that an additional
1ºC (parameter “Increase/Decrease
temperature sent to the A/C unit by
”) has been parameterized, the final setpoint
temperature to be sent to the air-con unit will be 25ºC (note, therefore, that the
calibration has a higher priority than the parameterized temperature restrictions
However, since there is a heat source that is affecting the air returned to the machine, its own
built-in thermostatic control (the unit has its own sensor) may conclude that the ambient
temperature is probably hot enough (even higher than the setpoint: 25ºC) as to stop
generating heat, even if the ambient temperatures in Z1 and Z2 is different to that of the
returned air, measured by the internal sensor of the A/C unit. It then makes sense to enable
in ETS the External Temperature Returned, whose value will be approximately equal to the
one measured by the internal sensor of the unit. For instance:
External Temperature Returned = 26.5ºC
IRSC-Zone will then look for the maximum between the setpoint temperatures of zones Z1
and Z2 and, afterwards, the maximum between this (25ºC, which is truncated to 24ºC) and
the External Temperature Returned (26.5ºC), resulting to be 26.5ºC. This value is then
increased by default in one unit (27.5ºC). And then, another degree is added again because
of the parameterized calibration (28.5ºC). Finally, the value 28.5ºC is sent to the unit through
“A/C Unit – Setpoint status” object. This way, the air machine will keep generating enough
hot air even if its own sensor is measuring an ambient temperature around 26.5ºC.
From that moment on, IRSC-Zone will send the appropriate orders to the grilles in zones Z1
and Z2 (according to the parameterized algorithm for the thermostatic control for heating) so
that the heat generated by the unit is conveniently directed to the zones depending on their
setpoint and reference temperatures.