turned OFF, an order to close the grille is sent to the bus, after which the setpoint of the zone
is not considered anymore (until the zone is turned on again) for the calculation of the central
Zone X
–ON/OFF Status
: indicates the current state (ON/OFF) of the corresponding
Zone X
– Consigna
: permits controlling the desired setpoint temperature (in ºC) for the
corresponding zone.
Zone X
– Setpoint Status
: indicates the current value (in ºC) of the setpoint temperature
of the corresponding zone.
Zone X
– Grille control
sends orders (“0”=Close, “1”=Open) to the bus to control the
airing grille of the corresponding zone.
Zona X
– Grille Status Reception
: permits the arrival from the bus of open/close orders
for the airing grille of the corresponding zone, which
–when appropriate– causes the device
responds sending an updated order to the bus through the
“Zone X – Grille control” object.
Zone X
– Reference temperature
: permits the reception from the bus of a reference
temperature, for example measured by a sensor installed inside the corresponding zone.
If more zones are enabled (see section 3.2), the same seven objects will repeat, but referred to
each of the enabled zones.
When entering for the first time the parameter edition of IRSC-Zone, the following window will be
Figure 3.2. Configuration screen by default
As seen in figure 3.2, the configuration screen is divided into the following main windows: