with thermally driven grilles. Note that although a grille closed
does not
imply that its zone
has been switched off, the opposite does apply.
Delay to turn ON A/C if any grille is ON:
field to parameterize the delay, in
seconds, the device will wait before switching the A/C unit on after a grille is opened
again ("Zone x - Grille control"=1).
Additional Bypass:
the activation ("Yes") of this parameter allows controlling a bypass or
additional grille through which the exceeding air from acclimatization will be canalized.
Open bypass if no. Of open grilles lower or equal than:
defines the maximum
permitted number of grilles (from 0 to 8) before the order to close the bypass is sent to the
bus (via the object "Additional bypass"). In other words, the bypass will stay open while
the number of open grilles is equal or lower than the parameterized number for this
parameter. If, for instance, the value 4 is established here, the bypass will stay open while
the number of open grilles is 4, 3, 2, 1 or 0 (in the case of 0, this will be true only if the
machine is ON). Note that no matter what the value of this parameter is, the bypass will
be kept open if the A/C machine is ON and all the grilles are closed.
Zone Update on Start-up:
permits activating or deactivating the sending of certain read
requests to the bus after a download or a device reset from ETS. This requests make it
possible for IRSC-Zone to assimilate the state of the environment (setpoints, temperatures,
modes) at the moment of beginning to function. This behaviour is explained in more detail in
section 3.3.7.
Delay [x 1 sec]:
in case of enabling (“Yes”) the above parameter (“Zone Update on
”), an additional parameter will be shown, through which it is possible to set a
certain delay, to be counted since the end of the initialization process of the device,
before the corresponding read requests are sent to the bus.
2.4. MODE
The Mode window allows configuring features related to the operating mode of the A/C
machine, which is made assuming that the A/C machine supports the selection of up to five working