intended for zone cooling. When IRSC-Zone receives an order to commute to this
mode, it sends the corresponding mode switch order to the unit, and begins to control the
grilles of every zone according to how the thermostat control for cooling has been
parameterized, and to whether the reference temperatures are higher or not than the setpoints
(see section 3.6 and Annexes II and III). In relation to the calculation of the general setpoint,
mode “Cold” implies, on the one hand, switching from one range of accepted setpoint
temperatures to another range of accepted setpoint temperatures (see section 3.5). And on
the other hand, the fact that the general setpoint temperature must be lower or equal than the
coolest of the zone setpoint temperatures.
intended for zone heating. When IRSC-Zone receives an order to commute to this
mode, it sends the corresponding mode switch order to the unit, and begins to control the
grilles of every zone according to how the thermostat control for heating has been
parameterized, and to whether the reference temperatures are higher or not than the setpoints
(see section 3.6 and Annexes II and III). In relation to the calculation of the general setpoint,
mode “Heat” implies, on the one hand, switching from one range of accepted setpoint
temperatures to another range of accepted setpoint temperatures (see section 3.5). And on
the other hand, the fact that the general setpoint temperature must be greater or equal than
the hottest of the zone setpoint temperatures.
: destined to let the machine decide by itself how to behave at each moment
(sending cold air / sending hot air). In relation to the calculation of the general setpoint and to
the grille control, under “Auto” mode IRSC-Zone will behave as under mode “Cool”.
: destined to generate a simple air flow, typically at ambient temperature, from the air
conditioning machine. When this mode begins, IRSC-Zone keeps the air grilles of every
enabled zone permanently open, although the calculation of the general setpoint is not
interrupted (under “Fan”, it is performed as in “Cool”, although temperature restrictions will not
– see section 3.5).
destined to generate a dry air flow, typically at ambient temperature, from the air
conditioner machine, so that the humidity in the air is reduced. IRSC-Zone behaves under this
mode exactly as in “Fan” mode.
As seen in Figure 3.3, the Mode window allows configuring the manner or manners that will permit
commuting from one mode to another: