YSI 5X00
YSI 5X00
Sensor Setup
Menus → Sensor Setup → Aux 1-6
→ E-Aux 1-8
→ DO 1-4
Use AquaManager to configure System inputs and outputs
Any networked 5X00 and REM instrument relay can be configured to any networked
5X00 sensor control or alarm system. In addition, any E-Aux system (see page 108)
can be configured to use any networked IOEM input channel as its input source. See
local versus remote instruments on a network - page 86. Because of differences
in how system relay outputs and E-Aux system inputs are configured locally at a
5X00 instrument versus using AquaManager,
it is strongly recommended that
AquaManager be used to configure all 5X00 sensor setup menus. AquaManager
contains a number of software checks that help to validate E-Aux input and
5X00 system output relay assignment configuration. These same checks do not
exist when configuring systems directly at a 5X00 instrument.
maintains an up to date table of all node network instruments. This table gives
AquaManager the ability to display only networked instruments at E-Aux source
input and system relay output pulldown menus. (This AquaManager table is not
visible to the user.)
An Example of configuring a 5X00 system control relay at an instrument versus
using AquaManager is provided below. The node network used in the example in-
cludes a master (being a 5500D-04) and 4 slaves (slave 2 being a 5500D-02; slave
4 being a 5400; slave 11 being a 5200A; slave 16 being an REM).
Instrument configuration
- the control relay instrument menus displays a generic
list of instruments. See instrument and relay name conventions - page 136. Any
instrument from the generic list can be selected/configured. This generic list in no
way accurately depicts the instruments on the actual node network. In this example,
the node network consists of a master and slave 2, slave 4 and slave 11 and slave 16,
yet at the system control instrument menu a generic list of instruments is displayed.
Which generic list includes Local Machine, Master and Slaves 1-31 and not just the
4 instruments on the node network. The relay list also displays a generic list which
displays relays 1-8 for all instruments. This generic list list does not take into account
that 5200As and REMs have 4 relays and not 8 relays. instruments. See screen shots
below of instrument and relay menus at instrument.
Configuring the 5X00
Control system instrument menu Control system relay menu
AquaManager configuration
- in the alternative, AquaManager knows what in-
struments are actually on the node network and consequently knows actual relays
available on each instrument. In this example, only the Master 5500D-04 and slaves
on the network are available at the instrument menu pull down. Each instrument
also will display only available relays based on the instrument type. In the relay
menu screen shot below 4 relays are displayed because Slave 16, an REM, was
selected. See screen shots below for AquaManager pull downs.
Control system instrument menu Control system relay menu
Sensor Setup
Aux , E-Aux and DO set points (setpoint, control and alarm), control mode (set
point, PID/PWM, or PID 4/20mA) and sensor system relays are configured in Sen-
sor Setup menus. All networked instrument relays can be configured for control
and alarm output devices - see Use AquaManager to configure System inputs and
outputs - page 150. Properly wired and configured relays energize when a control
or alarm system is active. Alarm notifications can be sent via email or cell phone
(SMS messaging) - page 90.
Configuring the 5X00