YSI 5X00
YSI 5X00
For normal operation, the 5X00 must be at the Run Screen. Alarm func-
tionality (email alarms, activation of assigned alarm relays, alarm icons,
and buzzer) is suspended when 5X00 is not at Run Screen.
Sensor system must be enabled in order to display values at Run Screen.
Control and/or alarm relays will not energize regardless of value if the
sensor system is disabled.
There is a 30 second delay at power up before control, timer, and alarm systems
become active.
There is a 30 second sensor system hold off when sensor configuration is
changed. See
30 Second Sensor System Hold Off
- page 163.
Calibrate sensor prior to use. See
- page 82.
“Over” and “Under” readings are displayed when DO sensor is measuring
outside it’s operating range - see
DO range specification
- page 14 DO
control and alarm functions including relays are suspended when a sensor is
reading “Over” or “Under.”
“Over” and “Under” are not displayed for aux temperature systems when tem-
perature values are outside the temperature operating range - see
Range Specification
- page 15. Temperature system controls and alarms will
not operate correctly when values are outside the temperature operating range.
DO “Over” and “Under” readings most likely indicate that the sensor needs
to be serviced or replaced, or a bad probe or cable connection exists.
One relay can be assigned to multiple systems. It is essential that the relay
configuration be verified in order to avoid conflict of operation of wired relay
devices. Assigning one relay to multiple systems can result in invalid operation.
Control Mode
Menus → Sensor Setup → Aux 1-6 →Control Mode
→ E-Aux 1-8→Control Mode
→ DO 1-4 →Control Mode
Configure DO, Aux and E-Aux non digital systems to control and alarm at user
configured values to best manage your aquatic system. Sensors and aux and E-Aux
analog devices report values to the 5X00. Wire and configure peripheral devices
Configuring the 5X00
(outputs) to turn on and off in order to maintain certain water conditions as close to
the setpoint as possible. 5X00 instruments have three control modes. They are Set
Point control which is described starting on this page, PID/PWM and PID 4/20mA
control which are described starting on page 159. Control mode configuration
determines how a 5X00 instrument maintains a water parameter as close to setpoint
as possible. System menu options change based on the control mode.
Follow page links below to see examples of instrument menus displayed for differ-
ent control mode:
- E-Aux 4/20mA system Set point control example - page 167;
-Aux and E-Aux digital - page 164. (Digital inputs do not have a control mode
-Temperature Set point control mode example - page 168;
-DO Set point control mode example - page 173;
-PID/PWM and PID 4/20mA control mode example - page 176;
Aux and E-Aux digital systems do not use control modes. See page 165 for
complete aux and E-Aux digital configuration information.
Sensor Setup menu selections change based on the configured control mode.
Changing control modes may result in invalid set point, control and alarm
value configurations. Always reconfirm control and alarm menu configuration
when control mode is changed.
Set Point Control
When a system is operating in Set point control mode control and alarm relays
energize when user configured values are reported to the 5X00 from the input sensor
or device. A control relay remains energized until the the system set point value is
processed by the 5X00.* Configure sensor control relays using AquaManager - see
page “Use AquaManager to configure system inputs and outputs” on page 150. See
Set Point Alarm Values - page 156 for alarm relay functionality.
*exception - high temperature, and high and low analog aux and E-Aux systems
may also be configured for a timed set point mode - see page 157.
Follow page links below to see examples of instrument menus displayed for set
point control mode:
- E-Aux 4/20mA system Set point control example - page 167;
-Temperature Set point control mode example - page 168;
-DO Set point control mode example - page 173;
Configuring the 5X00