YSI 5X00
YSI 5X00
Below are screen shots of Run Screen and system low alarm menu displaying user
configured system name CATFISH NE.
Instrument and relay name conventions across a network.
See page “Local vs Remote Instruments” on page 86 for definition of local versus
remote instruments. Configured instrument and relay names are displayed differently
when local versus remote instruments are selected at relay menus. An instrument
is selected at the sensor>control/alarm system>Instrument window. The instru-
ment window displays a generic list of instruments being Local Machine, Master,
Slaves 1-31. Only the Local Machine user configured name is displayed. A relay is
selected at the sensor or system>relay menu. The relay window displays a generic
list of relays 1-8 regardless if a remote 5200A or REM instrument is selected which
instruments have only 4 relays.
Generic Instrument window
Generic Relay window
User configured instrument, system and relay names are displayed through-
out AquaManager systems management tab. User configured names are also
displayed at mapping.
Local instrument and relay names - Sensor instrument menu displays config-
ured (or default) local instrument name at instrument field when a prior relay
assignment has not been made.
Configuring the 5X00
Sensor relay menu displays configured local relay name at relay field once a
local relay has been configured at the menu being viewed.
Remote instrument and relay names - When Device Address is anything other
than Local Machine all relay assignment menus remain generic. This means,
Master and Slave instruments do not display their configured names, but rather
the generic names of “Master” and “Slave 1-31.”
Menus → System → Password
Enable and set the password in the password menu. Once the password is enabled
and saved, 5X00 system menus are not accessible without first entering the correct
password at the Run Screen. The password can contain up to 12 characters.
request for password to enter menus
password menu
Configuring the 5X00