Initializing Setup Parameters and Performing
Zero Level Compensation
IM 253421-01E
12.1 Back-up of Setting Parameters
In order to protect setting parameters in case of a power failure and such, this instrument
is equipped with a lithium battery which protects these parameters. The following setting
parameters are being kept.
Voltage range
Current range
Measurement mode of voltage and current
Data hold
Filter ON/OFF
Measurement synchronization source
Scaling ON/OFF
MAX hold function ON/OFF
PT/CT scaling constant
External sensor scaling constant
Averaging ON/OFF
Averaging type
Averaging sample number/attenuation constant
Computing Equation of MATH function
Display function for each display
Number of displayed digits
Integration mode
Integration type
Integration timer preset time
Integration value
Elapsed time of integration
Data stored in internal memory
Storage interval
Recalling interval
Output items for plotter/communication
Harmonic analysis ON/OFF (only when equipped with the harmonic analysis
PLL source (only when equipped with the harmonic analysis option)
D/A output items (only when equipped with the D/A output option)
D/A rated integration time (only when equipped with the D/A output option)
Comparator determination function (only when equipped with the comparator
Comparator determination limit value (only when equipped with the comparator
Communication output mode
Output interval in case of talk-only
GP-IB address (when GP-IB (optional) is installed)
Handshaking method (when RS-232-C (optional) is installed)
Data format (when RS-232-C (optional) is installed)
Baud rate (when RS-232-C (optional) is installed)
Chapter 12 Initializing Setup Parameters and Performing Zero Level Compensation