Yokogawa Electric Corporation - TC10 - ENGINEERING MANUAL - PAG. 11
[15] A.o1L - Initial scale value of the analog
When Out 1 is a linear output and [14] O1F is
equal to r.inp, r.Err, r.SP or r.SEr
-1999 to [16] Ao1H.
[16] A.o1H - Full scale value of the analog
When Out 1 is a linear output and [14] O1F is
equal to r.inp, r.Err, r.SP or r.SEr.
[15] Ao1L to 9999.
[17] o1.AL - Alarms linked up with the out 1
When [14] o1F = AL.
0 to 63 with the following rules:
+1 =
Alarm 1;
+2 =
Alarm 2;
+4 =
Alarm 3;
+8 =
Loop break alarm;
+16 = Sensor break (burn out);
+32 =
Overload on Out4 (short circuit on the Out4).
Example 1:
Setting 3 (2+1) the output will be driven by the
alarm 1 and 2 (OR condition).
Example 2:
Setting 13 (8+4+1) the output will be driven by
alarm 1 + alarm 3 + loop break alarm.
[18] o1.Ac - Out 1 action
When [14] o1F is different from “nonE”.
dir =
Direct action;
rEU = Reverse action;
dir.r =
Direct action with revers LED indication;
rEU.r = Reverse action with reverse LED indication.
Notes: 1.
Direct action: the output repeats the status of the
driven element.
The output is an alarm output with direct
action. When the alarm is ON, the relay will be
energized (logic output 1).
Reverse action: the output status is the opposite
of the status of the driven element.
The output is an alarm output with reverse
action. When the alarm is OFF, the relay will be
energized (logic output 1). This setting is usually
named “fail-safe” and it is generally used in
dangerous process in order to generate an alarm
when the instrument power supply goes OFF or
the internal watchdog starts.
[19] o2F - Out 2 function
When the instrument has out 2 option.
nonE = Output not used. With this setting the sta-
tus of the this output can be driven directly
from serial link;
H.rEG = Heating output (see warning);
c.rEG = Cooling output;
AL =
Alarm output;
t.out = Reserved;
t.HoF = Reserved;
P.End = Reserved;
P.HLd = Reserved;
P. uit = Reserved;
P.run = Reserved;
P.Et1 = Reserved;
P.Et2 = Reserved;
or.bo = Out-of-range or burn out indicator;
P.FAL = Power failure indicator;
bo.PF = Out-of-range, Burnout and Power failure
St.By = Stand By status indicator;
diF1 = Out2 repeates the digital input 1 status;
diF2 = Out2 repeates the digital input 2 status;
on =
Out 2 always ON;
riSP = Inspection request.For other details see
[14] O1F parameter.
[20] o2.AL - Alarms linked up with Out 2
When [18] o2F = AL.
0 to 63 with the following rule:
+1 =
Alarm 1;
+2 =
Alarm 2;
+4 =
Alarm 3;
+8 =
Loop break alarm;
+16 = Sensor break (burn out);
+32 =
Overload on Out 4 (short circuit on OP4).
For more details see [17] o1.AL parameter.
[21] o2Ac - Out 2 action
When [19] o2F is different from “nonE”.
dir =
Direct action;
rEU = Reverse action;
dir.r =
Direct action with revers LED indication;
rEU.r = Reverse action with reverse LED indication.
For more details see [18] o1.Ac parameter.
[22] o3F - Out 3 function
When the instrument has out 3 option.
nonE = Output not used. With this setting the status
of the this output can be driven directly from
serial link;
H.rEG = Heating output;
c.rEG = Cooling output;
AL =
Alarm output;
t.out = Reserved;
t.HoF = Reserved;
P.End = Reserved;
P.HLd = Reserved;
P. uit = Reserved;
P.run = Reserved;
P.Et1 = Reserved;
P.Et2 = Reserved;
or.bo = Out-of-range or burn out indicator;
P.FAL = Power failure indicator;
bo.PF = Out-of-range, burn out and Power failure
St.By = Stand By status indicator
diF1 = The output repeats the digital input 1 status;
diF2 = The output repeats the digital input 2 status;
on =
Out 3 always ON;
riSP = Inspection request.
For other details see [14] O1F parameter.
[23] o3.AL - Alarms linked up with Out 3
When [21] o3F = AL.
0 to 63 with the following rule:
+1 =
Alarm 1;
+2 =
Alarm 2;
+4 =
Alarm 3;
+8 =
Loop break alarm;
+16 = Sensor break (burn out);
+32 = Overload on Out 4 (short circuit on OP 4).
For more details see [17] o1.AL parameter.