<Appendix 4. Link Master Functions>
IM 01E21A02-03EN
A4.6 FAQs
Q1. When the LAS stops, this products does not back it up by becoming the
LAS. Why?
A1-1. Is this product running as the LM device?
-> Check that the value of BootOperatFunctionalClass (index 367) is 2 (indicating that it is
an LM).
A1-2. Check that the relation of V(ST) and V(TN) as LM device of this product is as follows:
This Device
Other LM devices
V(ST) x V(TN)
V(ST) x V(TN)
Q2. How can I make this product become the LAS while LAS is running?
A2-1. Check that the version numbers of the active schedules in the current LAS and this
product are the same by reading:
-> LinkScheduleListCharacteristicsRecord (index 295 for this product)
- ActiveScheduleVersion(SubIndex-3)
A2-2. Make this product declare itself to become the LAS.
-> Set PrimaryLinkMasterFlagVariable in the current LAS to 0x00(FALSE).
Then, set PrimaryLinkMasterFlagVariable (index 288) in this product to 0xFF(TRUE).
Q3. On a link where this product works as the LAS, another device cannot be
connected. How come?
A3-1. Check that the bus parameter as being the LAS for this product and the bus parameter
indicating the capabilities of the device that cannot be connected are as follows:
This product
Problematic device
-> This product: ConfiguredLinkSettingsRecord (index385) V(ST), V(MID), V(MRD)
-> Problematic device: DlmeBasicInfo V(ST), V(MID), V(MRD)
A3-2. Check that the node address of the problematic device is not included in the V(FUN) +
V(NUN) address of this product.