IM 765501-01E
2.10 Other Functions
(See section 4.2 for the procedure)
The GS610 has two types of sensing connections, 2W (two-terminal connection = local
sense) and 4W (four-terminal connection = remote sense). You can select the
appropriate sensing connection according to the amplitude of the output current.
Four-terminal connection reduces the effects of the voltage drop due to the output
current and lead resistance.
BNC Input/Output and External Input/Output
(See chapter 10 for the procedure)
The GS610 has a BNC terminal (TRIG/SWEEP/CTRL IN/OUT) and external input/output
connector (EXT I/O) that can be used to input or output trigger signals and other signals
and output the comparison results.
GP-IB/RS-232 Communication
(See chapters 13, 14 for the procedure)
The GS610 is equipped with a GP-IB interface and RS-232 interface that can be used to
control the GS610 using commands.
On the RS-232 interface, various parameters such as baud rate (9600 bps to 115200
bps), flow control (none, XON-OFF, or CTS-RTS), and terminator (CR, LF, or CR+LF).
The command control using the GP-IB, RS-232, and the optional Ethernet interface are
mutually independent, and can be used simultaneously. For example, the GS610 can be
controlled via the GP-IB interface while monitoring the status via the Ethernet interface.
Ethernet Communications (Option)
(See chapter 12 for the procedure)
A LAN interface with auto switching between 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps.
In addition to controlling the GS610 using commands, up to five FTP clients can be
connected through the anonymous FTP server function. The non-volatile disk
(GS610ROM) and volatile disk (GS610RAM) are available as subdirectories at the FTP
root. Files can be transferred freely using the FTP protocol.
You can set a fixed address for the IP address or obtain the address dynamically from
the DHCP server.
Command control server function: A command mnemonic stream parsing server at port
7655 that allows up to five clients to connect.
The terminator (CR, LF, or CR+LF) can be specified.
FTP server function:
An anonymous FTP server at port 21 that allows up
to five clients to connect.
HTTP server function:
A function that enables various information to be
displayed and performs remote control of the GS610
through port 80 using a Web browser.
Each server function is independent. Therefore, for example, the GS610 can be
controlled using commands while transferring files using FTP.
Saving/Loading Setup Data
(See sections 11.1 and 11.2 for the procedure)
The current settings can be saved to a setup file (Setup1.txt to Setup4.txt) on the non-
volatile disk (GS610ROM). The saved setup data can be loaded to restore the settings.
The setup data can also be saved to the volatile disk (GS610RAM). This feature can be
used to pass the setup file (Setup.txt) to a PC.
The setup file is a text file containing communication commands. The file can be edited
later on a PC.