IM 701730-01E
Waveform Acquisition
7.6 Performing Sequential Store (SINGLE(N) Mode)
When the trigger mode is set to Single(N), the sequential store function becomes
Acquisition count: Single(N) Count
Set in the following range. The acquisition count that can be specified varies depending
on the specified record length as follows.
• For the DL17420E
Record length
Count When in Normal Mode
Count When in Box Average Mode
1 kWord
1-256 (512)
1-128 (256)
10 kWord
1-32 (64)
1-16 (32)
50 kWord
1-8 (16)
1-4 (8)
100 kWord
1-4 (8)
1-2 (4)
250 kWord
1-2 (4)
1 (2)
1 MWord
1 (2)
- (1)
2 MWord
- (1)
The value inside the parentheses is selectable only when interleave mode is ON.
• For the DL1735E/DL1740E
Record length
Count When in Normal Mode
Count When in Box Average Mode
1 kWord
1-512 (1024)
1-256 (512)
10 kWord
1-64( 128)
1-32 (64)
50 kWord
1-16 (32)
1-8 (16)
100 kWord
1-8 (16)
1-4 (8)
250 kWord
1-4 (8)
1-2 (4)
1 MWord
1 (2)
- (1)
2 MWord
- (1)
The values in parentheses are selectable when interleave mode is ON.
• For the DL1740EL
Record length
Count When in Normal Mode
Count When in Box Average Mode
1 kWord
1-1024 (2048)
1-1024 (2048)
10 kWord
1-128 (256)
1-128 (256)
50 kWord
1-32 (64)
1-32 (64)
100 kWord
1-16 (32)
1-16 (32)
250 kWord
1-8 (16)
1-8 (16)
1 MWord
1-2 (4)
1-2 (4)
2 MWord
1 (2)
1 (2)
4 MWord
1 (1)
- (1)
8 MWord
- (1)
The values in parentheses are selectable when interleave mode is ON.
Displayed waveforms can be recalled and displayed in the same manner as with the
history memory function. For details, see section 10.1.
Notes on Performing Sequential Store
• Sequential store is not possible in repetitive sampling mode and roll mode.
• If you stop acquisition by pressing START/STOP, sequential store also stops.
Sequential store starts from the beginning when acquisition resumes.